The chief of the Fukushima nuclear power station has admitted that the technology needed to decommission three melted-down reactors does not exist, and he has no idea how it will be developed. In a stark reminder of the challenge facing the Japanese authorities, Akira Ono conceded that the stated goal of decommissioning the plant by 2051 may be impossible without a giant technological leap. "There are so many uncertainties involved. We need to develop many, many technologies," Mr Ono said. "For removal of the debris, we don't have accurate information [about the state of the reactors] or any viable methodology for that. But two hundred years ago, nobody would have imagined mobile phones -- they wouldn't have imagined that you could communicate with someone far away with that small device. I believe human beings have the capability to develop technologies where they are necessary. It may take 200 years, but I would say our target is 30 to 40 years."
OpEdNews Article: Article: Fukushima update 4-2-15- time for Japan to give up?
対象県 輸入停止品目
青森 野生のキノコ類
岩手 タケノコ、原木クリタケ(露地栽培)、原木シイタケ、原木ナメコ(露地栽培)、野生のキノコ類、野生のセリ、ソバ、ゼンマイ、(野生の)コシアブラ、ワラビ、大豆、ウグイ、クロダイ、スズキ、イワナ(養殖を除く)、クマの肉、牛の肉、シカの肉、ヤマドリの肉
宮城 ソバ、ゼンマイ、タケノコ、(野生の)コシアブラ、[(野生の)タラノメ]、クサソテツ、米、原木シイタケ(露地栽培)、野生のキノコ類、大豆、アユ(養殖を除く)、ヤマメ(養殖を除く)、クロダイ、ウグイ、スズキ、ヒラメ、ヒガンフグ、イワナ(養殖を除く)、牛の肉、クマの肉、イノシシの肉
山形 クマの肉
福島 原乳、野生のタラノメ、小豆、タケノコ、非結球性葉菜類(カブ)、アブラナ科の花蕾類(ブロッコリー、カリフラワー)、結球性葉菜類(ホウレンソウ、レタス、セロリ、クレソン、エンダイブ、キクヂシャ、フダンソウ、コラード)、クリ、ワサビ(栽培)、野生のフキノトウ、ゼンマイ、(野生の)コシアブラ、キウィフルーツ、原木シイタケ、原木ナメコ(露地栽培)、キノコ類、クサソテツ、ワラビ、米、大豆、ウメ、フキ、ウワバミソウ、ユズ、[カサゴ]、アユ(養殖を除く)、アイナメ、アカガレイ、アカシタビラメ、イカナゴ(稚魚を除く)、イシガレイ、ウスメバル、ウミタナゴ、エゾイソアイナメ、キツネメバル、クロウシノシタ、クロソイ、クロダイ、ケムシカジカ、コモンカスベ、サブロウ、ショウサイフグ、シロメバル、スケトウダラ、スズキ、ナガツカ、ニベ、ヌマガレイ、ババガレイ、ヒガンフグ、ヒラメ、ホウボウ、ホシガレイ、ホシザメ、マアナゴ、マガレイ、マコガレイ、マゴチ、マダラ、マツカワ、ムシガレイ、ムラソイ、メイタガレイ、ビノスガイ、キタムラサキウニ、サヨリ、ヤマメ(養殖を除く)、ウグイ、ウナギ、イワナ(養殖を除く)、コイ(養殖を除く)、フナ(養殖を除く)、クマの肉、牛の肉、イノシシの肉、ヤマドリの肉、キジの肉、ノウサギの肉、カルガモの肉
茨城 原木シイタケ、茶、タケノコ、野生のコシアブラ、スズキ、ウナギ、シロメバル、ニベ、コモンカスベ、アメリカナマズ(養殖を除く)、ヒラメ、マダラ、イシガレイ、ギンブナ(養殖を除く)、イノシシの肉
栃木 野生のタラノメ、タケノコ、クリ、野生のサンショウ、野生のゼンマイ、(野生の)コシアブラ、野生のワラビ、野生のクサソテツ、原木クリタケ(露地栽培)、原木シイタケ、原木ナメコ(露地栽培)、野生のキノコ類、イワナ(養殖を除く)、牛の肉、イノシシの肉、シカの肉
群馬 野生のキノコ類、ヤマメ(養殖を除く)、イワナ(養殖を除く)、クマの肉、イノシシの肉、ヤマドリの肉、シカの肉
埼玉 野生のキノコ類
千葉 シイタケ、タケノコ、コイ、ギンブナ、[ウナギ]、イノシシの肉
新潟 クマの肉
山梨 野生のキノコ類
長野 野生のキノコ類、[コシアブラ]
静岡 野生のキノコ類
REPOST From March 20 2015
Effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident on goshawk reproduction:
Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 9405 doi:10.1038/srep09405 Received 21 November 2014: Accepted 03 March 2015:
Published 24 March 2015:
Although the influence of nuclear accidents on the reproduction of top predators has not been investigated, it is important that we identify the effects of such accidents because humans are also top predators. We conducted field observation for 22 years and analysed the reproductive performance of the goshawk (Accipiter gentilis fujiyamae), a top avian predator in the North Kanto area of Japan, before and after the accidents at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that occurred in 2011. The reproductive performance declined markedly compared with the pre-accident years and progressively decreased for the three post-accident study years.
Effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident on goshawk reproduction
Effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident on goshawk reproduction : Scientific Reports :...
Tepco has been stating the molten fuel dropped into pedestal under RPV (Reactor Pressure Vessel), but started changing their tone since the end of 2014 for some reason.
Pedestal is a part of PCV (Primary Containment Vessel) under RPV surrounded by concrete. Tepco and the government of Japan have been saying though molten fuel had a core-concrete reaction in pedestal, but it stopped sinking in the concrete.
In their report published on 3/26/2015, Tepco admits the possibility that molten fuel has reached outside of pedestal at least in Reactor 1.
In this report, they did not mention the possibility that molten fuel went outside of PCV, however if the fuel is already outside of pedestal as suggested, they cannot remove the fuel from the top of RPV.
In order to inspect the potential fuel outside of pedestal, Tepco needs to investigate the subbasement floor of Reactor 1. It is reported that the feasibility of inspection would be confirmed in the end of 2015.
Tepco started stating molten fuel might be out of pedestal of Reactor 1 - Fukushima Diary
OpEdNews Article: Article: Fukushima update 4-2-15- time for Japan to give up?
対象県 輸入停止品目
青森 野生のキノコ類
岩手 タケノコ、原木クリタケ(露地栽培)、原木シイタケ、原木ナメコ(露地栽培)、野生のキノコ類、野生のセリ、ソバ、ゼンマイ、(野生の)コシアブラ、ワラビ、大豆、ウグイ、クロダイ、スズキ、イワナ(養殖を除く)、クマの肉、牛の肉、シカの肉、ヤマドリの肉
宮城 ソバ、ゼンマイ、タケノコ、(野生の)コシアブラ、[(野生の)タラノメ]、クサソテツ、米、原木シイタケ(露地栽培)、野生のキノコ類、大豆、アユ(養殖を除く)、ヤマメ(養殖を除く)、クロダイ、ウグイ、スズキ、ヒラメ、ヒガンフグ、イワナ(養殖を除く)、牛の肉、クマの肉、イノシシの肉
山形 クマの肉
福島 原乳、野生のタラノメ、小豆、タケノコ、非結球性葉菜類(カブ)、アブラナ科の花蕾類(ブロッコリー、カリフラワー)、結球性葉菜類(ホウレンソウ、レタス、セロリ、クレソン、エンダイブ、キクヂシャ、フダンソウ、コラード)、クリ、ワサビ(栽培)、野生のフキノトウ、ゼンマイ、(野生の)コシアブラ、キウィフルーツ、原木シイタケ、原木ナメコ(露地栽培)、キノコ類、クサソテツ、ワラビ、米、大豆、ウメ、フキ、ウワバミソウ、ユズ、[カサゴ]、アユ(養殖を除く)、アイナメ、アカガレイ、アカシタビラメ、イカナゴ(稚魚を除く)、イシガレイ、ウスメバル、ウミタナゴ、エゾイソアイナメ、キツネメバル、クロウシノシタ、クロソイ、クロダイ、ケムシカジカ、コモンカスベ、サブロウ、ショウサイフグ、シロメバル、スケトウダラ、スズキ、ナガツカ、ニベ、ヌマガレイ、ババガレイ、ヒガンフグ、ヒラメ、ホウボウ、ホシガレイ、ホシザメ、マアナゴ、マガレイ、マコガレイ、マゴチ、マダラ、マツカワ、ムシガレイ、ムラソイ、メイタガレイ、ビノスガイ、キタムラサキウニ、サヨリ、ヤマメ(養殖を除く)、ウグイ、ウナギ、イワナ(養殖を除く)、コイ(養殖を除く)、フナ(養殖を除く)、クマの肉、牛の肉、イノシシの肉、ヤマドリの肉、キジの肉、ノウサギの肉、カルガモの肉
茨城 原木シイタケ、茶、タケノコ、野生のコシアブラ、スズキ、ウナギ、シロメバル、ニベ、コモンカスベ、アメリカナマズ(養殖を除く)、ヒラメ、マダラ、イシガレイ、ギンブナ(養殖を除く)、イノシシの肉
栃木 野生のタラノメ、タケノコ、クリ、野生のサンショウ、野生のゼンマイ、(野生の)コシアブラ、野生のワラビ、野生のクサソテツ、原木クリタケ(露地栽培)、原木シイタケ、原木ナメコ(露地栽培)、野生のキノコ類、イワナ(養殖を除く)、牛の肉、イノシシの肉、シカの肉
群馬 野生のキノコ類、ヤマメ(養殖を除く)、イワナ(養殖を除く)、クマの肉、イノシシの肉、ヤマドリの肉、シカの肉
埼玉 野生のキノコ類
千葉 シイタケ、タケノコ、コイ、ギンブナ、[ウナギ]、イノシシの肉
新潟 クマの肉
山梨 野生のキノコ類
長野 野生のキノコ類、[コシアブラ]
静岡 野生のキノコ類
REPOST From March 20 2015
Effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident on goshawk reproduction:
Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 9405 doi:10.1038/srep09405 Received 21 November 2014: Accepted 03 March 2015:
Published 24 March 2015:
Although the influence of nuclear accidents on the reproduction of top predators has not been investigated, it is important that we identify the effects of such accidents because humans are also top predators. We conducted field observation for 22 years and analysed the reproductive performance of the goshawk (Accipiter gentilis fujiyamae), a top avian predator in the North Kanto area of Japan, before and after the accidents at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that occurred in 2011. The reproductive performance declined markedly compared with the pre-accident years and progressively decreased for the three post-accident study years.
Effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident on goshawk reproduction
Effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident on goshawk reproduction : Scientific Reports :...
Tepco has been stating the molten fuel dropped into pedestal under RPV (Reactor Pressure Vessel), but started changing their tone since the end of 2014 for some reason.
Pedestal is a part of PCV (Primary Containment Vessel) under RPV surrounded by concrete. Tepco and the government of Japan have been saying though molten fuel had a core-concrete reaction in pedestal, but it stopped sinking in the concrete.
In their report published on 3/26/2015, Tepco admits the possibility that molten fuel has reached outside of pedestal at least in Reactor 1.
In this report, they did not mention the possibility that molten fuel went outside of PCV, however if the fuel is already outside of pedestal as suggested, they cannot remove the fuel from the top of RPV.
In order to inspect the potential fuel outside of pedestal, Tepco needs to investigate the subbasement floor of Reactor 1. It is reported that the feasibility of inspection would be confirmed in the end of 2015.
Tepco started stating molten fuel might be out of pedestal of Reactor 1 - Fukushima Diary