

いよいよ明日はダービーだっ! \(^O^)/

2007年05月26日 23時26分01秒 | ⑪\(^O^) お馬さん 「(:ーー)












The Remarkable country "Slovakia"

2007年05月26日 00時05分31秒 | ③’07夏旅行&中欧キャンペーン
Do you know where this country "Slovakia" is located

Sure, next to Chech Republic !
These country used to be ONE COUNTRY, a.k.a."Chech-Slovalia".

But around Slovakia, which countries surround it ?

Instead of Chech Repulic, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine....

So, these 5 countries !!!

Oh, I'm gonna give you ONE-QUIZ !!!

Do you know the name of capital city in Slovakia ?


Final Answer ?!

(Ohhhhhhhhh! Too long like the MC "MINO MONTA"?!)

OK,The answer is ④!

① Budapest is the capital city in Hungary.
② Kosice is the another city in eastern Slovakia.
③ Sopron is one city in western Hungary.

Got it ???

OH, I forgot to introduce some informations to you !
Here I'll show some !

To travel to Slovakia, as gateway in Europa, I recommend you to enter from Vienna.

Certainly from some Chech cities, it's OK.

But from Vienna, It is closer than these cities.

For example, to Bratislava, from Plague, by train "EC", it takes, at least, 5 hours.

On the other hand, from this Austrian biggest city, only 1 hour !
(By some trains, 1&1/2 hours)

Have a look carefully if you have a europian map around you

The distance between Vienna And Blatislava is ONLY 60 km !!!

Very Very Easy to get there & feel Ex-Eastern country, no ???

Of course, going ahead more, we can find Hidden-but-Beautiful Slovakia !!

Especially, the mountains "Tatra"(above), it is very Picturesque !!

Traveling between east and west in Slovakia, we can travel along these mountains by train.
So this nature must attract you !

And more...

Have you ever looked at this castle on the hill?

We call it "Spisky Castle"

It is regonized by "World Heritage".
So it is the one of very popular sightseeing spot !

But around castle, nothing but field !
Looking at this from a little bit far from castle, it DOES seem Big-Stand !
So it is very impressive, no?

Oh, there are more more remarkable areas in this country, you know.
But if I will show you all, the Sunrise must come to me !

So, this time, I finish, sorry...
But, if possible, I will try again !