

My chopstics and containers, low carbon

2008-06-02 17:03:42 | Weblog
What prompted me today was yesterday's article about
portable chopstics and assorciated containers.

However, I now first talk about coatings. Below shows
my way of coating.

What you are looking at are effectively my paint brushes.
Proper brushes are costly, something like JPY 100,
in the least.

With those, you naturally use thinners, but again,
they are costly, too. On top of that, you cannot
remove polyurethane completely. So, after something like

half a dozen repeated uses of the same brush, you will
have to abandon it for a new one. The objects you see in
this photo remove all the difficulties in coating.

A piece of cotton is just wound around
a piece of wooden stick, fixing it with a rubber band,
and off you go! After use, you just throuw it away!

This, in fact, revolutionalised my coating process.
It is one of my inventions! My current lot are on C2.
Before talking about today's main topic, I show you another photo.

These are part of today's work, after coating, which took up
something like 3 hours. They are extremely shallow cavity
SPs, plus rounded (arounde the peripherals) propellars.

At the top of this page I wanted to show you one of
recent trends in easting, that is, what they call "My
chopsticks" for eco purposes.

Scroll down a bit, and you will find what I mean.
In the meantime, two photos as per below.

This is showing you chopstics are placed in the
container anti-paralell, which is awkward in reality.
Illustration A rfers to this arrangement.

However, there are real issues, re bits, re size of
the containers. They need to be as small and feminine and elegant
as possible for offic girls at lunch times.

I am torn between the capacity of my tools and feminity!

While being at all this, I panicked. I could not say that I can reproduce my 175 mm chopsticks for girls. In desperation, I tried it
again and this photo is the output. I can now happily say

I can reproduce feminine short chopsticks!

I will talk more comprehensively about chopsticks.
They look simple, they are not!

So, what is today's concluding remark?

I entirely endorse MY CHOPSTICKS and I can
do something about it, in particular, on the
container front.

Without them, there will be reluctance on the
part of the office girls. I will produce
something attractive! Watch out for this space!

パエ-リャ 13

2008-06-02 17:03:25 | Weblog
Jamy, I hate your alias! I really do! Anyhow, to continue...

She came to!

He is about ready to go!

The battle for the second place is now on!

There was a terrfic bang!

This building is to be knocked down!

Sometime ago I just overheard a conversation
on a bus between A and B!

All TV programmes will be off today!

If you like it that way...

He is something of a mystery man!

I let myself in with the key!

She has been crackers about shells since 12!

She is just fledging in conchology!

Jamy, I am guessing. Shells in Spanish are

She had a holiday romance with a local boy!.

She began collecting shells on a regular basis!

To make a come back after 12 years, dounokouno...

The deafning sound of silence!

Jamy, I go now! Take care!