

Tape magnets, magnetic monopoles, wooden folks

2008-06-13 16:46:44 | Weblog
Today, my wife flew to Abashiri, so I took her to
the station in the morning. Then, I dashed off to my
DIY shop to buy magnets.

What follows is showing them, belt magnets? What they are
is this. Ferrite magnet particles are embedded in band like
synthetic structure, at least, that is what they say.

I bought this for a good reason. The disk magnets you see
alongside of it sets you back by JPY 250, at the force of
0.15kg. In the meantime, the belts can be had for JPY 550,

and on top of that, the force is 0.55 kg from a stamp size
belt (yo must cut it out yourslef, of course). Naturally,
I tought that this was very economical, because you can

cut out a larger number of smaller pieces for your projects.

However, this was not to be!

I expected a lot of repulsive power, but these belt like
things attract, but not repulse! OK, those sides with a small
white seal are supposed to be the attraction side.

You would then expect that the other sides will repulse each
other. It did not happen. They still attracted each other,
not as attractive as the sealed sides, but they do attract!

What kind of animals are they! Magnets having only attractive
property! I am a physicist, so I know that magnetic monopoles
do not exist. If you found one you would automatically get a

Nobel prize for it. They are behaving like magnetic monopoles!

What follows is my guess, not complete and in fact, there is
a contradiction in what I say, but anyway, there it goes.

These schematics are showing you my current thinking.
I am likely to be wrong and I stand to be challenged.

My initial thought was, "How the hell on earth are they made!"

My guess is that magnetic allingment is used in forming these.
Most of tiny megnet particles are alligned along the magnetic
lines of the enorcer magnetic field. (External magnets)

during the slolidification process. However, not all the particles
conform to the external magnetic lines and as they are gradually
fixed, solidified in random order, almost isotropically.

My difficulty comes in right there. If they (tiny magnets) are
statistically distributed in terms of orientation their attractive
and repulsive powers should cancell out.

In B of the illustration, the narrower srrows should not be there!
leaving the other ends of the wider arrows with the repulsive ends!

In reality, it is not happening, at all! Anyway, I would be rambling on!

What follows shows the stem curvature. I think
this is abour right. Somehow, today's majority output
has gone into the image right at the start,

and the very last one is showing you those whose edges need
to be rounded. In reality, even those in the very first image
need to be perfected around the edges.

So, I will be busy tommorrow, too!

パエ-リャ 23

2008-06-13 16:46:24 | Weblog
Conchita, here we go!

You can look across, from here, to that house!

Though you would not believe it, today dounokouno!

What kind of a bad joke is that!

What kind of a bad taste is that!

You clear away the mess from the dinner party!

She would not budge!

Timber tends to rot away!

Keep the motor running!

He went off to look aound!

ドウノコウノって、おかしいわね, 変よね。。。
Funny (that) dounokouo...

As you may have noticed, dounokouno...

It is money well spent!

It has to be said as a matter of historical
fact that dounokouno!

I make no secret of it that dounokouno!

Conchita, I go now. This should suffice for today.