Today really started with the current lot going mat,
but before that I had to take my wife to Kamakura.
Following two pics show the result.

With the second image you see that one of my chopsticks pairing jig
is used to hold SPs, indicating that ultra fine chopsticks
are still in my coating shed.
This is because they are so fine and it was difficult to
make them mat. However, I did make them mat enough
in the end. Waiting for tommorrow, really.
I am happy with today's result. However, it was very time
consuming and I had not enough time for anything else.
Still, a slow progress is being made and what follows

is telling you that all of the next lot have been
finely convexed, with the belt sander.Tormorrow,
rough concaves will be formed on most of them.
Actually, some more concaves were formed today, but
singling them out for imaging is a messy business,
as they are covered with dusts.
Probably, half a dozen of them are buried somewhere
in this plastic bag.
I am inclined to think that my next experiment will be
centering around these two objects seen in the
following image.

The black thing is a picker knife and the other white one
is a milk pitcher, tiny, made of china. My intention is to
reproduce them with broad leaves.
I have enough left overs from my earlier operations for
the picker knives. With the pitchers, I will have to
be careful.
I could turn them, inside only, or alternatively,
I could use my milling machine to make bores.
Outside?, I should imagine I will be using my
SPIKY for the initial formig process, followed by
flappers and other bits.
Needlss to say that tommorrow I will be spending
a lot of time, removing polyps and blipps from
today's matting.
I expect tommorrow will be another busy day, really...

but before that I had to take my wife to Kamakura.
Following two pics show the result.

With the second image you see that one of my chopsticks pairing jig
is used to hold SPs, indicating that ultra fine chopsticks
are still in my coating shed.
This is because they are so fine and it was difficult to
make them mat. However, I did make them mat enough
in the end. Waiting for tommorrow, really.
I am happy with today's result. However, it was very time
consuming and I had not enough time for anything else.
Still, a slow progress is being made and what follows

is telling you that all of the next lot have been
finely convexed, with the belt sander.Tormorrow,
rough concaves will be formed on most of them.
Actually, some more concaves were formed today, but
singling them out for imaging is a messy business,
as they are covered with dusts.
Probably, half a dozen of them are buried somewhere
in this plastic bag.
I am inclined to think that my next experiment will be
centering around these two objects seen in the
following image.

The black thing is a picker knife and the other white one
is a milk pitcher, tiny, made of china. My intention is to
reproduce them with broad leaves.
I have enough left overs from my earlier operations for
the picker knives. With the pitchers, I will have to
be careful.
I could turn them, inside only, or alternatively,
I could use my milling machine to make bores.
Outside?, I should imagine I will be using my
SPIKY for the initial formig process, followed by
flappers and other bits.
Needlss to say that tommorrow I will be spending
a lot of time, removing polyps and blipps from
today's matting.
I expect tommorrow will be another busy day, really...