

Domestic walnut forks, wooden cutlery

2008-06-22 16:34:30 | Weblog
Rain does affect what you do, I think. Or, perhaps,
chores come in because of it.

Today started, going out at the request of my wife,
to a vegetale market, 3 miles away, I think, and in a
torrential rain, at that!

Once home, I then had to peel off the shallots for
her pickles projet, taking up 3 hours of my time.

In the meantime, my nephew and his wife-to be, and her
own father, and my own mother went up to our mountain
cottage, again, in the torrential rain (So I gathered).

It is all part of learning things. Had they told me a day
earlier, I would have gone there myself and met them.

It now looks as if the whole thing will have to
wait for the day of the wedding. Not a big deal, really...

Now, take a look at this.

Not again!, you may say. Yes, they look the same,
but they are, this time, of walnut. You may then say
they are not dark enough for walnut forks

Well, they are all domestic walnut, not coming from
USA. I placed a few oak forks for comparison, those
at the bottom of the image.

Over the last two years, or so, I have noticed one thing
with these domestic walnuts. Upon (or, even uopn) sanding
they become very fluffy at the surface. They are softer than US dark

walnuts. However, they are very tough against lateral pressures,
inward into the slots I made. I do not know why, really.

Tommorrow, I will be taking my wife to Kamakura for
her gathering. After that?, I do not know. I might produce
smaller SPs, I like them, and they might be useful in
many ways.

I now only have ten or so of them left in my room.

People will becoming in and I will be going out to
meet people. They will come handy on those occasions.
Yes, I should do that!

パエ-リャ 32

2008-06-22 16:34:09 | Weblog
Conchita, I like your new alias! I will stay with it
for ever and ever!

Two hours of frenzied preparation was wasted!

Livers wobble, don't they, if you put your hands on them!

I lived there for two years and in all that time
I met only one person who was even mildly dounokouno!

I just sprawled out on the carpet!

She pleaded with me for one minute more...

I heard him banging down the stairs!

Look at yourself in the mirror!

She walked around the room...

逆じゃなくて (8副詞句)
instead of the other way around

その時以来 (副詞句)
ever since then

Clear out your desk!

We were looking at it in fascination!

Lift it onto the table!

わくわくしながら (副詞句)
expecting all sorts of food you never even knew

小さな女の子みたいに (副詞句)
in a little girl sort of way...

It all seems unreal to me!

Conchita, an abrupt end to today's session!
Take care of your new born!