オランダロッテルダムにあるRSM Erasmus UniversityのMBA Programに通う学生達の日記。

RSM class of 2013 のご紹介(1)

2012-02-13 20:51:09 | MBA13生活
こんにちは、class of 2013のゆーけーです。






・ゆーけー(元資産運用会社、男性 Vice President of Charity Club)

My name is "D", I am a 33 years old and I come from Germany. Having worked for almost 6 years in Germany, I decided to further internationalize my career and pursue for an MBA at Rotterdam School of Management.
People say that this MBA year is a life-changing experience, and indeed, I can already confirm this without any doubt after only one month in the program. The academic program is rigid, and there is hard work to do within tight deadlines. On the other side, I met many great people from all over the world – the diversity of students (we are 104 students from 36 different countries) is one of RSM’s outstanding strengths and sometimes just overwhelming in a positive sense. Especially because we do not miss out the fun part and social activities with the other students, however high the workload is.
Most of the work, respective assignements, has to be accomplished within teams, consisting of usually 6 students from different nationalities. I am glad to be in a great team, where everyone contributes with his specific set of knowledge and cultural background.

One of my fellow teammates is "Y" from Japan, which I briefly would like to introduce: "Y" has a financial background and has worked in Japan for the last 6 years in different functions. Now he wants to change his career to a more external and communicative function and also develop his personality. Coming to Europe and RSM already is a courageous step for him, as the cultural differences between Japan and Europe are quite remarkable. Having said this, I as his teammate can say without any doubt that he already has made a huge progress in overcoming cultural and language related barriers. Maybe typical to the Japanese culture, he is not the loudest and most extrovert person in our group, but everyday he contributes more to the mutual benefit with his understanding of financial coherences, and profound knowledge about sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
That reminds me of another important point: "Y" volunteered to become Vice President of RSM’s charity club and charity foundation to contribute to the welfare of people who need help. This is a very important function to the mutual benefit of RSM, the students, and people who are underprivileged or need help.
I am looking forward to tackle the challenges waiting for us during this year together with "Y" and learn more about the Japanese culture… and last, but not least: The Japanese cuisine, which I have a special affection to :-)

・Aさん(元監査法人、女性 Net Impact Co-Chair)

I am happy to introduce my new friend from Japan. Before coming to RSM she was working at an audit company in financial services. She is very good with finance but is also very interested in business sustainability. This year she and I will be co-chairs of a club called Net Impact, which connects business students with careers in sustainability. We will also travel to London together to participate in the Hult Global Case Challenge, where we will come up with a solution for the millions of people who do not have adequate housing. I am happy to have her on my team as she is very smart and also shares a lot of interesting things about Japanese culture.

As you can see RSM is a very exciting place to study. If you are interested in getting an MBA, I definitely recommend it!

※Net Impactとは世界中のソーシャルファナンスのネットワークでRSMにはその支部(Chapter)があります。
