オランダロッテルダムにあるRSM Erasmus UniversityのMBA Programに通う学生達の日記。


2012-02-28 22:58:46 | MBA13生活
こんにちは、class of 2013のゆーけーです。

前回RSM在校生のご紹介をしましたが、RSMの紹介についても同級生にお願いしていましたので、今回は同級生によるRSM MBAの紹介です。


Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University is one the leading business schools in the world and constantly ranked within the Top 10 business schools in Europe. Beside the International Full-time MBA program RSM also offers Executive MBA programs and a Master in Financial Management.

There are multiple reasons why I have decided to do my MBA at RSM. I was looking for a program with the following characteristics:
・A one-year program within Europe
・A program with a very good reputation, but also reasonable costs.
・A program with a great international variety and students with diverse professional backgrounds

So far I am extremely happy with my decision and I really enjoy studying at RSM.
The student body is very diverse and it brings a lot of fun to study with all these people.
The quality of the courses is very high and the professors come from all over the world. Also the Career Development Centre is very engaged in organizing guest speakers, bringing companies to campus and helping the students to assess their career opportunities through individual guidance.

In addition to studying the students are very active in organizing countless events for the weekends. Students are coming together to party, to do sports, to go to the cinema or to do anything else you can imagine doing your free time.

Rotterdam is nice city in the heart of Europe with a high quality of living. The public transportation system is great and the city offers a lot of opportunities for young people.
It is also possible to go to other interesting European cities such as Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Hamburg, Berlin or Kopenhagen within a very short time.

・Aさん(インドネシア人、President of Student Association)


Long before ‘global’ became an important descriptor for business education, RSM’s students, faculty and staff were already reflecting the diversity of the globalising world.
Just like our host countries, one of the world's renowned international trading nations, RSM has continued to expand and internationalise, cementing its status as one of Europe’s most international and innovative business schools.

RSM offers a distinctive intellectual culture. We believe that leadership can be taught through a combination of intellectual and practical challenge. We believe that the difficulties encountered working in diverse teams fosters creative new approaches in business. We enjoy a reciprocal, supportive relationship with multinational companies. And we encourage a flexible, broad and sometimes iconoclastic mindset in matters of business practice and research.

This distinct approach has helped RSM to establish a portfolio of top-ranked programmes, as well as one of the world’s largest and most prolific management faculties. RSM will help you to transform yourself becoming a global player in business.



RSM class of 2013 のご紹介(2)

2012-02-28 22:28:26 | MBA13生活

・APPLEさん(元外資系IT企業、Vice President of the Beer & Wine Appreciation Club)

APPLE is in my team and I have had the pleasure of working with her over the last 6 weeks.
We are all part of RSM MBA 2013 class and are well on our journey to do an MBA from a top European business School.

I have found APPLE to be hardworking dedicated yet always having a positive outlook.
The MBA course at RSM really tests one's limits and it makes good individuals better.

APPLE is very polite and respectful in her dealings and I am glad to have Japanese colleagues like her in the RSM MBA class.
She is adding value and her unique perspective to our group which is helping us develop into dynamic professionals.

・Kさん(総合酒類企業からの派遣、President of the Beer & Wine Appreciation Club)

At RSM there are working groups of 6 people for a whole term and K is one of my team members. K is a very valuable member of our team and I really enjoy working with him.

Before starting his MBA at RSM he worked as a brand manager and as a product manager for his previous company. Due to his extensive working experience in an international environment he often brings new ideas into our group discussions and he also shares interesting stories how business in Japan is conducted.

He is a very social person and constantly takes care of the well-being of our team. He really feels responsible for everybody and he really creates a good team spirit. In addition, working with him can be very funny and he is always in a good mode.

In his free time K loves playing football and he is interested in travelling and exploring new countries. He is a key member of our RSM MBA Football Team and he wants us to play as often as possible.
As part of his job but also as a backpacker in his free time he already visited about 40 countries. I really hope that he can visit even more interesting countries in the future.

He is also a certified wine expert and as the President of the Beer & Wine Appreciation Club he will organize many interesting events over the year. The first event, a wine tasting for about 70 RSM students, alumni and staff was a great success, and he did a great job in familiarizing us with different French wines.


以上、RSM MBA Class of 2013の日本人在校生4名のご紹介でした。
