
怒り心頭!  I'M FURIOUS!

2010-03-07 | 手描きTシャツ Hand painted T-shirts






『だんなさんはアメリカ人? アメリカではもっと厳しいですよ。予防接種を受けてないとどこにも入れてもらえないですよ。』






It is the season for graduation.
My second son hasn't been accepted for public nursery for 2 years, but he will be after next month.
That's was good news.

But I had to deal with an unhappy event.
I took my son to a medical check up for kids entering new nursery schools, which was held couple of days ago.

Our two sons haven't had any vaccinations.
We have reasons for not doing that.
We've participated workshops about vaccination, we've read about it, we talked a lot, then decided to chose what they really wanted.

But most of doctors don't like people like us.
I've had some bad experiences with doctors when it comes to vaccination.
Some were sarcastic, some just ignored me after I said we had our own opinion, some snorted at me,etc...!
I usually try to be calm and not get into arguments.

BUT, the doctor who checked my son was the worst one I ever met.

She's probably in her 50's.
It started peacefully, but the atmosphere changed as usual when she found out that our son hadn't had any vaccination.

‘Haven't had any vaccinations!!??’
‘We have our own opinions about it’ (I smiled and was nice to her)
‘It is not just about your son. It' s also about other kids. Many kids are going to stay together’
‘I know.’ (He's already been with many kids)
‘No measles!? You must be vaccinated against it!’ (She raised her voice.)
‘I'm going to talk to my husband.’
‘What if your son get measles and gives it to other kids?? What if that kid gets a severe condition or dies? His family might blame you. You will lose a lawsuit! It's also going to be a big problem for this nursery!’
(She seemed to get excited by her words)
‘OK.’ ( I was trying not to snap)
‘Your husband is American? They have stricter rules in the States. You can't enter a school if you are not vaccinated.’
Then she sighed exaggeratedly and said,
‘We might have to refuse your son.’

My patience snapped.

‘Vaccinations are optional. If you refuse my son because of that, WE ARE GOING TO SUE YOU!! What you are doing is THREATENING!! ’
It made her panic.
‘That's not what I meant.’
‘You did.’
‘Well,your husband must know it 'cause he is an American.’
‘It's Japan here! Those other kids won't be infected even if my son gets a disease, because they are all vaccinated,right??’
‘It's not 100% guaranteed. ’
‘Then you might not get the disease even if you're not vaccinated.  ALL THESE THINGS ARE NOT YOUR BUSINESS!!’

I got furious.
Those nurses and parents must have wondered what was going on by hearing me yelling.

I was VERY mad.
But getting that angry made me so tired.

I won't be happy with that doctor if she is the school physician....


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