「トイレどこ~~~!?え?これ?こっち?わかんな~い!ああああっ うんち出ちゃったあああ!」
Weekends are busy for my oldest son because his friends come over from morning 'til afternoon.
There are variety of kids.
Some don't say anything when they come inside our home. Others open the fridge and other doors without asking.
One boy tells us his grade, class and his name at our door each time he comes here, which is every weekend.
I don't overlook the times when they are rude.
‘This isn't your house. Don't open the fridge without asking.’
‘Well, you have to ask me if you can come in. When I say OK, you say thank you’
‘You also say thank you when you get something from someone!’
I'm like a fastidious old lady.
By the way, we had a funny accident the other day.
‘Mommy! S wants to use the bath room! He wants to poo!’
My son and his friend S rushed in to the apartment.
‘POO!!??’ I thought, but I can't say NO.
‘Go ahead!’
I just yelled from the room. I was working on T-shirts.
But S didn't know where the bathroom was, because my son left him and went outside again.
‘Where is the bath room!? This door? That one? I don't know where to go! AHHHHHHHHHH!! Poo's just come!!’
...................( I was wordless)
I was shocked to see this 7 year-old kid wet his pants with poo.
Well my son is the same.
He sometimes does not notice the call of nature and nearly misses it because he is absorbed in playing.
It's a special ability for kids to concentrate on just playing without thinking about anything else.
That is good.
But, go to a bathroom before it's too late!
I didn't expect to have to take care of a 7 year-old's mess.
That night, I warned my son not to wet his pants with poo in someone's house....


「トイレどこ~~~!?え?これ?こっち?わかんな~い!ああああっ うんち出ちゃったあああ!」


Weekends are busy for my oldest son because his friends come over from morning 'til afternoon.
There are variety of kids.
Some don't say anything when they come inside our home. Others open the fridge and other doors without asking.
One boy tells us his grade, class and his name at our door each time he comes here, which is every weekend.
I don't overlook the times when they are rude.
‘This isn't your house. Don't open the fridge without asking.’
‘Well, you have to ask me if you can come in. When I say OK, you say thank you’
‘You also say thank you when you get something from someone!’
I'm like a fastidious old lady.
By the way, we had a funny accident the other day.
‘Mommy! S wants to use the bath room! He wants to poo!’
My son and his friend S rushed in to the apartment.
‘POO!!??’ I thought, but I can't say NO.
‘Go ahead!’
I just yelled from the room. I was working on T-shirts.
But S didn't know where the bathroom was, because my son left him and went outside again.
‘Where is the bath room!? This door? That one? I don't know where to go! AHHHHHHHHHH!! Poo's just come!!’
...................( I was wordless)
I was shocked to see this 7 year-old kid wet his pants with poo.
Well my son is the same.
He sometimes does not notice the call of nature and nearly misses it because he is absorbed in playing.
It's a special ability for kids to concentrate on just playing without thinking about anything else.
That is good.
But, go to a bathroom before it's too late!
I didn't expect to have to take care of a 7 year-old's mess.
That night, I warned my son not to wet his pants with poo in someone's house....