どんなに言葉を尽くしても、酔っている人に部屋が回っていないことを納得させることができない。 酔いが醒めるのを待って、もう一度、考えればいいのだろうか。私にはわかりません。
私は今、ユングの「赤い本」を読み終えようとしているところです。ユングと同じページにいると信じているときもあれば、同じ本に載っていないときもあります Ha! 他の人からのフィードバックにとても興味があります。お願いします。....この相反するものをどうすればいいのでしょうか?神の頭が私たちを通してそれらを表現するのでしょうか?
"私たちは、自分の中にある個々の神性に到達できなければ、群れの動物の虜になってしまいます。それが自我を意味すると考えれば、個人主義者やエゴイストとして非難されるのは当然ですが、自分の中にある原初の神性を思い出すことは、まったく別のことなのです」。~C.G.ユング, ETH, 12/1/1939
個性化]を目標とする前に、まず、必要最小限の集団規範に適応するという教育的な目的を達成しなければならない。植物がその固有の性質を最大限に発揮しようとするならば、まず植えられた土壌で育つことができなければならない。~カール・ユング、「定義」、CW 6、par. 761.
意識の傾向と無意識の傾向は、共に超越的機能を構成する2つの要素です。ある態度から別の態度への移行を有機的に可能にすることから「超越的」と呼ばれる。~CGユング、超越的機能、CW8、par. 145.
"相反するものの識別なしには、意識は存在しない。" ~カール・ユング「母型の心理的側面」CW9i、par. 178.
"全体性とは、自分の存在の一部を切り離すことではなく、相反するものを統合することで達成される。" ~C.G.ユング(要引用
I would make the suggestion that one of the main reasons we’re confused by this topic of pairing the opposites and the transcendent function is because we harbor too many social norm belief systems and are governed by the many Herd-narratives that keep in a sense of one-sidedness. Its only after we become honest enough with ourselves to walk away from the Herd influences that we gain enough of our own inner authentic authority to make conscious decisions and to hone a good amount of discernment. If we are weak in our honesty, moral compass and good conscience we’re not going to make much headway on our Individuation process.
“The transcendent function is not something one does oneself; it comes rather from experiencing the conflict of opposites.” ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 269
That is why you find no trace of the transcendent function in the psychology of a man with definite religious convictions (Belief Systems/Collective Norms). What the term “transcendent function” designates is really the transition from one condition to another. That is why he experienced the transcendent function, whereas a Christian saint could never experience it, since for him no fundamental and total change of attitude would be involved… ~CG Jung, JL1 ¶ 0
"We fall captive to the herd animal if we cannot reach the individual divinity in ourselves. If we think this means the ego, we are rightly condemned as individualists & egotists, but to remember our primeval divinity, that is a totally different thing." ~C.G. Jung, ETH, 12/1/1939
The act of consciousness is central; otherwise we are overrun by the complexes. The hero in each of us is required to answer the call of individuation. We must turn away from the cacaphony of the outerworld to hear the inner voice. When we can dare to live its promptings, then we achieve personhood. We may become strangers to those who thought they knew us, but at least we are no longer strangers to ourselves.
~James Hollis
Before [individuation] can be taken as a goal, the educational aim of adaptation to the necessary minimum of collective norms must first be attained. If a plant is to unfold its specific nature to the full, it must first be able to grow in the soil in which it is planted. ~Carl Jung; “Definitions,” CW 6, par. 761.
The tendencies of the conscious and the unconscious are the two factors that together make up the transcendent function. It is called "transcendent" because it makes the transition from one attitude to another organically possible. ~CG Jung, The Transcendent Function, CW8, par. 145.
The transcendent function does not proceed without aim and purpose, but leads to the revelation of the essential man.
It is in the first place a purely natural process, which may in some cases pursue its course without the knowledge or assistance of the individual, and can sometimes forcibly accomplish itself in the face of opposition.
The meaning and purpose of the process is the realization, in all its aspects, of the personality originally hidden away in the embryonic germplasm; the production and unfolding of the original, potential wholeness.
The symbols used by the unconscious to this end are the same as those which mankind has always used to express wholeness, completeness, and perfection: symbols, as a rule, of the quaternity and the circle.
For these reasons I have termed this the individuation process.
This natural process of individuation served me both as a model and guiding principle for my method of treatment. ~Carl Jung, CW 7, Paras 186-187
“There is no consciousness without discrimination of opposites.” ~Carl Jung, Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype," CW 9i, par. 178.
"The repressed content must be made conscious so as to produce a tension of opposites, without which no forward movement is possible. The conscious mind is on top, the shadow underneath, and just as high always longs for low and hot for cold, so all consciousness, perhaps without being aware of it, seeks its unconscious opposite, lacking which it is doomed to stagnation, congestion, and ossification. Life is born only of the spark of opposites." ~CG Jung, CW 7, Para. 78.
"As long as man is ruled by opposites... he is incapable of true spiritual growth."
~Manly P. Hall, Sacred Magic, 27
Without the experience of the opposites there is no experience of wholeness and hence no inner approach to the sacred figures. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 24.
"Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one’s being, but by integration of the contraries." ~C.G. Jung (citation needed)
"The resistance coming from the psychic depths ceases if we can give up our egohood, and the Self (consciousness + unconscious) receives us into its greater dimension, where we are then "whole," and because of our relative wholeness we are near to that which is truly whole, namely God."
~C.G. Jung, Letter to Pater Lucas, 25 March 1955
"神の逆説的な性質は人間にも同じような影響を与えます。それは人間を相反するものに引き裂き、一見解決できないような対立に引き渡すのです。そのような状態で何が起こるのか?. . . 例えば、誰も解決する方法を知らない義務の対立があります。意識はただ、「Tertium non datur! そこで医者は患者に、無意識が非合理的で、したがって予期しない第三のものを解決策として提案する夢を見ないかどうか、待ってみるように助言するのである。経験が示すように、和解と統一の性質を持つシンボルが実際に夢に現れる......相反するものの結合を意味するのである。
"ヤハウェが人間になることを決意したのは、人間が自分が直面している神像の種類を意識するようになったときに起こるべき発展の象徴である。神は人間の無意識から行動し、人間の心が無意識からさらされている相反する影響を調和させ、一つにまとめるように迫る。無意識は、分割と統一の両方を求めている。したがって、人間が統一を求める際には、ヨブがはっきりと認識していたように、形而上学的な助言者の助けを常に期待することができるのである。無意識は、光に到達するために意識に流れ込みたいと思っているが、同時に無意識のままでいたいと思っているので、絶えず自分自身を妨害している。(無意識は相反するもので構成されているため、このような矛盾したことをするのです。) つまり、神は人間になりたいと思っているが、なかなかなれないのだ。"
And yet the attainment of consciousness was the most precious fruit of the tree of knowledge, the magical weapon which gave man victory over the earth, and which we hope will give him a still greater victory over himself. ~Carl Jung, CW 14, Para 289
Consciousness is essentially the psyche's organ of perception, it is the eye and ear of the psyche. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lectures, Page 98.
Edinger is commenting on Jung’s Answer to Job:
How are we to understand this apparent reversal? This isn't the only occasion on which Jung can be accused of being inconsistent. You can almost say he is consistently inconsistent, and that is because he is always keenly aware of the operation of the opposites. […]
Paragraph 738:
“The paradoxical nature of God has a like effect on man: it tears him asunder into opposites and delivers him over to a seemingly insoluble conflict. What happens in such a condition? . . . There are, for example, conflicts of duty no one knows how to solve. Consciousness only knows: tertium non datur! [A third is not given.] The doctor therefore advises his patient to wait and see whether the unconscious will not produce a dream which proposes an irrational and therefore unexpected third thing as a solution. As experience shows, symbols of a reconciling and unitive nature do in fact turn up in dreams . . . signifying the union of opposites.”
As I said earlier, the symptom of anxiety is a manifestation of proximity to God. Jung is now adding to that proposition another: that a state of conflict is a symptom of proximity to God. Conflict means that one is in the vicinity of the paradoxical God nature, and that proximity has the effect of tearing one asunder into opposites. When that happens the prescription is to wait endure and wait for the third. […]
Here's another very important Jungian principle, that the opposites reside in the God-image. That means good and evil, as well as the other opposites, are attributes of the God-image itself. If the ego falls into an identification with either one of a pair of opposites, it is then on its way to the absurd result that Jung alludes to. It is easy enough to state this principle, but it is not so easy to integrate and apply in actual psychological life, because the early development of the ego is based on taking responsibility for everything that goes on in the psyche. So it requires a revolutionary change in attitude to posit the opposites as residing in the God-image rather than in the ego. Paragraph 740 contains a very important statement, a wonderful statement:
“Yahweh's decision to become man is a symbol of the development that had to supervene when man becomes conscious of the sort of God-image he is confronted with. God acts out of the unconscious of man and forces him to harmonize and unite the opposing influences to which his mind is exposed from the unconscious. The unconscious wants both: to divide and to unite. In his striving for unity, therefore, man may always count on the help of a metaphysical advocate, as Job clearly recognized. The unconscious wants to flow into consciousness in order to reach the light, but at the same time it continually thwarts itself, because it would rather remain unconscious. [Because it is composed of opposites, that is why it does these contradictory things.] That is to say, God wants to become man, but not quite.”
And from paragraph 746:
The only thing that really matters now is whether man can climb up to a higher moral level, to a higher plane of consciousness, in order to be equal to the superhuman powers which the fallen angels have [passed] into his hands. And then finally, at the end of paragraph 747, there is this pregnant statement:
“Since he has been granted an almost godlike power, he can no longer remain blind and unconscious. He must know something of God's nature and of metaphysical processes if he is to understand himself and thereby achieve gnosis of the Divine.”
~Edward Edinger, Transformation of the God-Image, Pages 120-122.
This is the great difficulty: the ordinary mind can only think one thing and cannot at the same time think the other thing.
He cannot think of a thing that is and is not, for that is impossible; but the man of superior mind is superior only because he can think in paradoxes. ~Carl Jung, Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process, Page 281
"Oddly enough the paradox is one of our most valuable spiritual possessions, while uniformity of meaning is a sign of weakness. Hence a religion becomes inwardly impoverished when it loses or waters down its paradoxes; but their multiplication enriches because only the paradox comes anywhere near to comprehending the fullness of life. Non- ambiguity and non- contradiction are one- sided and thus unsuited to express the incomprehensible."
~Carl Jung, Psychology and Religion