Plum Blossom School Osaka, Japan.
・A Corner in the Principal’Study - Miss McKowan at Work with Japanese Teacher
・Types of Plum Blossom Students
・Graduates Return with Their Babies
・Class in Flower Arrangement - a Specially Japan
・Class in Foreign Etiquette - Learning to Serve Tea in Western Style
・Teacher - Training Class for Sunday school Work
・A Sunday School Where Some of These Girls Will Put Their Training into Practice
・Graduating Class of the English Department Enjoying a “Bacon Bat”
PLUM BLOSSOM SCHOOL - how characteristic of Japan is this flowery name for an educational institution ! But it was not chosen wholly for its poetic suggestion. The name has a double meaning which will be understood when we learn that the school was started by Japanese Christians connected with the two original Osaka Congregational churches. By a play upon the Chinese characters for “plum blossom” they may also read “child of the two churches.”The plum blossom to the Japanese is a symbol for life, coming as the earliest bloom of spring, so the flower name also has a significance for a Christian school which aims to teach its pupils to live the “life more abundant.”
The Baikwa School 〔梅花女学校〕- to use the Japanese term - has the distinction of being the first self-supporting, Christian, girl’school in Japan and is now nearly forty years old. Its administration is in the hands of a Board of Japanese Trustees and all the Kumiai churches in Osaka. now five in number, are interested in its maintenance. Only the two American members of the staff, which includes nineteen Japanese teachers, are supported by missionary money. At present there is but one missionary teachers, Miss Amy E. McKowan, who is trying to do two women’s work until an associate can be found.