

Black E-Business in Japan

2013-11-10 09:35:55 | Weblog

The site in Japnese, Yami Site(闇サイト). 
This purpose is to requruit people to make easy money, or you can get a loan which bank won't lend you.
"闇" name added in this charactor, normally ordinally peopeple won't step in. Because of trouble. You may end up in death is possible. 

Still, the site is existing. Because, the site is not containing any crime word nor prohibit action detected.  Even actual crimes were triggered by this site, there is no way shut down legally.

One of most recent crime was last Friday evening, kidnapping a young school girl for nearly $200,000. For ronsom money, it considered as a small. I guess, it's because of how much wanted instead of how much able to.
Plot was made by Haneda, a married 43yo father of 2 son who requruited for easy money on Black E-business site. And 2 young adults, 20s of their age unemployed, applied for. And Haneda set up a meeting which just 1 hour before a crime. These 2 strangers just knew what involved but Haneda show up preparation of all necessary equipments and a rental car, so after telling a plan, it was ready to move. 
Fortunately a mother of girl who got a threatening call immidiately called police. Then within hour, a car with stolen number was caught on the trafic check point. The girl tied up was found in there back sheet. 

Another crime was 2007.
This crime was a most brutal, unforgettable, and unforgiven. The man, Kawagishi, is the one should be excuted was the only suvived in this conviction. 2 other joined in this crime was sentenced to excecution.
They abducted a 30s year old wamon to steal her saving. 
In a car they kept brutally beating and finally dumped her body in the bush.
Why I think Kawagishi should be exceuted is he is the one requruited to commit a crime and he was the one beating and killing her. He was also commited other crime before this but he didn't caught. But he terned himself in. This is the only reason he could saved his life. 

Both crime victims are picked up randomly.
This meant that anybody can be victimized. Japan is Gun Free Environment. But everybody should know that it's easy people die by rope, hummers, knifes or bare hands.


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