

Shocking News:15 year old high school girl chopped up her school friend

2014-08-03 09:58:09 | 社会

Update 8/3

The defence laywer has released Monami's statement, Monami is the suspect first name. The statement is for correcting about her family relationship.

1. She has approved her father's remarried. So, when she hit her father by a baseball bad was not relating his re-married.
2. She respects her father. She did not hit him because of disrespect.
3. Since her mother died, She's been lonely and when a step mother came, she became happy. And both soon became used to and tie close. So living alone was not relating to the step mother.

From this comment, it is conflict to her crime.
I think she can tell lie so easily and these lies can control all emotional feeling and behaiver. She seems like know how to lie and act better can control all surrounding. Don't you feel that she is really manupulating this investigation?

But why Aiwa?
I think it was because of jerous.  Compare to both, I think Monami's position was higher. But Aiwa got more attention, had stisfied life, and she got kindness which Monami did not have. It is Wicked mind. But she may be not trained to reform this mind. 

We should forcus how wicked mind can be produced. I don't think this is a rera case. And we should learn and find how this personality was created.

---------Update 7/30------- 

According to media report, the suspect, turned on 16 the date arrested, has history of violation from her 6th grade. Not known if she was charged for any but if she was, it's not taken so seriously since her parents occupation, mother who deceased was a board of education and father is a lawyer, and minor age.

The violation was mixing detergent into her class mate lunch and animal abuse. And recently March this year, she struck her father with baseball bat.

From news, because of her mother died in October 2013 and her father has remarried in January 2014, somehow it indicates that her crime affected.

But do you agree this conclution?

When I see social network, her mother was a board of education. I just sense that the suspect was not much having affection to her mother. 
And she had a history of detargent poisoning. 

Then I feel like she may poisoned her mother for long term. Then chemical reaction developed a cancer.
Though, this is only my guess. But I really doubt.




On Sunday, July 27, 2014, in Sasebo, Nagasaki in Japan, a 15 year old high school girl was arrested for killing her school mate, Aiwa Matsuo who was invited to an appartment where the suspect lives by herself the day before.

Because Aiwa has told her mother of her visiting and no return til rate night, her mother made a call to ask where about Aiwa to the suspect around 11 pm. Her repling, the suspect told that Aiwa left there around 6:30 pm. Then Aiwa's parents immidiately reported a missing person to  police station.

After a few hours police investigation, the victim was found in the suspect appartment at 3 am, 27th. There police found a separated head and one arm were laying with body on a bed. A blood covered knife and a instrument which used blunt force attack were also found on the scean.  Police also found that ligature mark on her neck. The cause of death are still not known. And motive is also on going process.

In Japan, crime rate is much lower compare to other countries. Therefore this kind of muder shock us so much. Why 15 year old girl can do such a gruesome commitment. Even hidding reason, it is hard to imagine cutting off someone's head. I also have surprised was 15 year old can live without anybody's supervision. 15 year old is consider to minor under the law. This meant that she should be under someone's custody. But the news report says she lives alone. ??? Is this normal in our country? I say something wrong in our society and I don't know how seviery damaged our normal common sence so far... dumb shit aren't we?

We are prohibiting too many normal behaiver which Kids to learn in development stage. If parents are not able to educate them, how Kids get a chance to know how much is too much. 

I don't know how far the detail will be released to the public, but I would like to follow this.

―――――additional info―――――――――
The suspect's name and her face were disclosed on the net. And her self posted some crime sean pictures which shown her hands covered blood and blurred image of victim's body part. According to net search, her father is a lawyer and a member of skating local group. 

I guess, internet is like free high way, no boundary, and it is impossible to control. And non-disclosure of suspect identification might create gossip last longer, too. I think it is better we should be openly provided correct information. If we have those, we might eliminate unnecessary or exatulated information spreading out.

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2014-08-02 07:47:37 | 社会



無職で妻に養ってもらっているにも関わらず、自分の立場を考えずに妻の子供を殺してしまう。 動機といえば、妻の稼ぎを自分に独占させるとか、息子の存在に不満というところなのだろう。 だけど気になるのは母親側だ。



ほんと親を選べないって子供にとっては不幸。 時には「生まないでくれればよかった」と親を責めるよね。 だけど、妊娠3ヶ月を過ぎると下ろせないっていう法律もあったりで、親も嫌でもおろせない事実。 複雑な社会で納得できないだろうが、生まれてきた事は親のせいだけじゃないという事は理解する必要もある。 

それでも生まれた時には誰でも「子供をもった幸せ」を感じるもんなんだとも思う。 子供にとっては迷惑な話かもしれないけど、だけど、不幸な境遇でも幸せになれるってことちゃんと知っておくべき。 


この死んじゃった子は本当に不幸。 逃げる事も、逃げるところもなかったのが不幸。 後1年ちょいがんばったら、親から離れて自立できたのに。 この子には誰にも相談する人がいなかったのかと思うと本当に不幸な子供だったと思う。 

死ぬことを選ぶ気持ちもわかる。 本当につらい。 そのつらい事を外で声に出す勇気。 何かをしてもらうんじゃなくて、生きるヒントをもらうってこと。 一人で生きていく力を持たないと結局、この無職の男やその男と結婚した母と同じ人生になっちゃうからね。 

生きてくって大人になっても大変なんだ。 不幸のどん底にいる若者君、『自分なりの人生でいいんだ』って感じでいいんじゃないかな。 そして始めは焦らずちょっとずつ進んで行く。 それでいいと思う。 練習を重ねればいつしか自然に前よりマシになる。 悪くなっていると思えば練習の仕方を変えてみる。 そうやってコツをつかむ。 私も努力の真っただ中でエラそうな事は言えないけどね。。^^; でも「つらい」気持ち、良くわかるよ。

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