one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


#030 La quinze metres au-dessus du sol (地上15m)

2004-09-11 04:34:19 | nocategory(雑)

They are breaking scaffold of Shinkansen rail bridge maintenace site.
Blue uniform man is going to grab a pipe for removing with his right hand.
White uniform leader holds a pipe connected with the removing pipe.
The third man in shadow are levering up the removing pipe with his pipe.
The key person is the third man who must control his power for levering not
to lever up the removing pipe too much to spring off the removed one and
enough of the blue worker to turn and pull off the pipe.
The hight is beyond fifteen meter.
If a third man missed or if earthquake came, the balance of this power
trinity would easily be broken and three men would be thorown down to the
They use safety belts, but nothing is completely safe in any troubule.
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