one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


#053 Pomme de pin (松ポックリ)

2004-09-23 10:25:45 | Plants(植物)

When you find gardeners working at pine trees, you'd be better to walk near to
them. Without climbing a tree, you could be easily facinated with the wonder
of pine cone growth.
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#052 Trop tard un peu. (ちょっと遅すぎ、もう秋)

2004-09-23 10:24:40 | Plants(植物)

I admit your effort to start your leaf life, but goddess of fall soon touch you with her cold fingers.
(代々木yoyogi 山手通り Yamate boulebard)
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#051 Vouloir, c'est pouvoir. (招き猫の念力)

2004-09-23 10:23:32 | cats(猫)

"Hey, yellow old boy. Do you have 26 $ in your hand? It would be enough
for a dish of so nice chinese cooking and a glass of beer. Do you know
if you would leave here after you take my photo without have anything,
what evil destiny would chase you? "
It was impossible to refuse this inviting.
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#050 le meme chat noir (お客様用猫表情)

2004-09-23 10:22:28 | cats(猫)

"Hey, yellow old boy. Do you want to touch me? Am I pretty? You may
take my picuture more. I appreciate you have spent 26 $ in my master's
shop. "
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#049 la nouvelle vague (サーヴィング新スタイル)

2004-09-23 10:21:14 | Foods(食)

I was astonisshed with this serving at a sea-food restaurant near the
Hanzoumon(半蔵門) station. They use genuine Wasabi.
I don't want to admit this is a modern style of Japanese cooking culture.
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#047 le nouvea style de hamburger (てんこもりおろし)

2004-09-23 10:18:43 | Foods(食)

Oh, oh, oh, oh......
I love this style. The taste is very very nice.
Could foreinger imagine this grated radhish is a kind of sauce?
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