one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


#059 la ville nouvelle (新しい汐留)

2004-09-26 11:40:59 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Only a few years ago, Yurikamome looked running through in the air like
flying dragon.
Now it is running through the valley of skyscrapers like crawling giant
angle worm.
Time is changing.
This is the new look of Shiodome(汐留) town.
"Sio"is come form Shio(= tide)-dome(= end).
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#058 Amaryllide radiee (曼珠沙華)

2004-09-26 11:37:57 | Plants(植物)

This amaryllis is called " Higan-bana(彼岸花)" too, means flower of Hades.
The another alias is "Sibito-bana (死人花), means flower of dead.
I once visited a local temple to take photo of this flower. When I arrived
there, it began scattering rain. I gave up taking photo. In the dim light
under the rainy cloud, these crimson flowers were blooming all over around
a little temple. It was so fantastic and so beautiful.
Whenever I look this flower, I always remember the visionary rainy day.
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#057 le mur en piere (浜離宮の石垣新景)

2004-09-26 11:35:21 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The stone wall was built almost three hundred years ago.
This wall tell us this garden could be used as a outer fortress of the
Edo castle. Now it seems the wall is the barrier against the modern
ecconomical system for the old days.

Can you see there are red flowers on the wall?
They are Manjushage(曼珠沙華), a kind of amaryllis.
(@ Hamarikyu garden)
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#056 les mulets bouillant (水面踊るボラの群れ)

2004-09-26 11:33:22 | birds, fish and others(生物)

I like watching fish in water. Any kind of fish in water could charm me.
I always look into water to find underwater lives.
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#055 Le ban des mulets (浜離宮そばのボラの群れ)

2004-09-26 11:31:55 | birds, fish and others(生物)

In the canal beside the Hama-rikyu garden we can find lots of fish schools.
These fish are gray mullets.
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#054 Hama-rikyuu porte principal (浜離宮正門新景)

2004-09-26 11:30:31 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Hama-rikyuu was a Tokugawa Shogun's seaside garden. There are big trees
aged from Edo era. The pond is tided with tide water. Shoguns loved
the view of the garden and enjoyed boat floating.
A few years ago I visited there. I fully enjoyed the park with the same
skyline as the Tokugawa shoguns had done. Now the skyline is lost forever.
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