Is there a lost world in America? Yes, it is in the middle of the Washington State's Olympic National Park.
Is there a lost tribe in America? Yes, it is there.
If you doubt it, please read this mystery and to visit the Rain Forest with the skeleton detective, Gideon Oliver.
In the national park, hikers vanished in a trecking route which has been blockaded. And a new lost has happened. A young woman is missing.
Then, people find a few set of old bones in a old indian basket. Gideon is invited for the inspection of the bones. Among them, a relatively new bones is there. Gideon judges the bones is of a young white man and the time would be back to eight years ago. The skeleton detective assumes that the man might be killed wit a bone spear used a super human power.
Journalism get excited with his opinion so as to jump the easy conclusion: there lives a supernatural wild creature, like a snow man, has done it. From all of the U.S.A. supernatural maniacs gather in the park to find it.
Gideon determine the weapon is a paleolithic bone spear. Gideon's ex-teacher, professor Abe wouldn't deny the conclusion and gives him the knowledge about the lost Indian tribe, Yahi. Julie, a woman park ranger would not admit there has been a Indian tribe in the park. The last Yahi died in the mid of the 20th century which is very very later from the paleolithic age. Gideon believes Yahi tribe survives in the park and they would have involved with the killings. Gideon thinks this is not a criminal murder but also a killing of war against the white man's America. U.S.A has perished these minorities since 17th centuries and one of the perished tribes has kept fighting against the white invaders.
Gideon trys to persuade them to stop the war. He walks into the Rain Forest......and loses his way in the heavy rain in the forest to be found and rescued by Julie. Gideon and Julie manage to find the small tribe among which the killer has been living.
In this novel, Gideon meets Julie to fall in love with her.
Like American white people, Japanese have perished the minor tribes in the islands for fifteen hundred years. But Japan is too narrow to create the fantasy in which a lost tribe survive freely.
The Dark Place, 1983 copyright by Aaron Elkins, 1986(Mystery Press edition), 2005(Berkley Prime Crime Books)