one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


強面 regarde a faire peur

2007-11-21 20:01:02 | cats(猫)

A cat which has such a terrific expression should be a friendly one, I know well.

(@中村橋、Nakamurabashi, Nerima ward)
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数分の日差し lumiere d'un instant

2007-11-21 20:00:18 | sky/weather/season

This spot is lit up by the sun for a few minutes a day.

(@阿佐谷南1丁目、 Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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胡桃拾い ramasser noix

2007-11-21 19:58:53 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

An old man almostly falls into the garden to pick up walnuts more.
He looks a mad or fool de avarice. He should buy good nuts in the supermarket.

(@阿佐谷北1丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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ガラス工芸品 une verre objet

2007-11-21 19:57:04 | nocategory(雑)

I find a shick glass object on the shelf of the Kohaku-Chabo(琥珀茶房 = Amber tea shop).
(@琥珀茶房、阿佐谷南2丁目、 Asagayaminami, Sguinami ward)
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ペットボトル?Bouteille de PET

2007-11-21 19:56:01 | what?why?(ん?)

I find a strange thing on the surface of the stone wall of the railroad.
I think it must be a PET bottle. But I wonder why they laid it there.

(@田端駅, Tabata station, Kita ward)
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モーニングサービス le petit dejeuner

2007-11-21 19:55:16 | LA

This is the morning plate of the restaurant on the sea-vewing deck of the Redond Pier. When my co-worker listened I had had it, he advised me in amazement that I shoud never visit there to have it, or I would surely get over two hundred and twenty two pound in the near future.
It was ten years more ago.
Now, in this Octover I found I am over two hundred and twenty two pound.
And I keep it.
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