one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


重すぎるお尻 lourd beaucoup

2008-07-13 05:23:54 | what?why?(ん?)

The load is too much.

(@山手通り、千早1丁目、Chihaya, Toshima ward)
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すーぷ焼きそば chou mien dans soupe

2008-07-13 05:22:27 | Foods(食)

The soupe chou mien looks very good for me after a hard and long work.
I now regret it. This is not my taste.

(@西武池袋駅、Seibuikebukuro station, Toshima ward)
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ノウゼンカツラ fleurs dans le noir

2008-07-13 05:21:29 | Plants(植物)

They are tumbling with wind in a hot summer evening.

(@阿佐谷北二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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合歓の花 arbre de soie

2008-07-13 05:20:52 | Plants(植物)

The shadow and the flowers of silk tree catch my eyes.
In the public park there is a big silk tree. Under it there are thousands of the flowers which charms many children, girls and boys who pick up one of them and bring back it to their home.

(@西池袋第二公園、西池袋、Nishiikebukuro, Toshima ward)
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しめる/あげる une erreur

2008-07-13 05:20:00 | what?why?(ん?)

All of the chinese family of this restaurant are very good at Japanese speaking,
but they all pronounce Japanese ke as ge. They wanted to write, "Close or Open." I read them, "Close or lift up."

(@青山一品、要町、Kanamecho, Toshima ward)
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すあま gateau

2008-07-13 05:18:24 | cake(ケーキ)

Suama is a kind of Japanese cake which is made of plain rice flour and sugar.
I understand that Su is Only and that Ama is Sweetness.
I ate the first one in my childhood. And this is the second one in my life.

(@千早1丁目、Chihaya, Toshima ward)
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マーボ豆腐ウイーク jours de ma-bo tofu

2008-07-13 05:13:47 | Foods(食)

This is the second picture of ma-bo tofu in these five years.
Since then, I have had it a few dishes a week.

(@青山一品、要町、Kanamecho, Toshima ward)
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波遊び初級 debutant

2008-07-13 05:11:58 | LA

Everybody has the day when he/she make a debut at a wave theater.
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