one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


dimanche 15 novembre 2009 Operation 99-42

2009-11-15 21:53:56 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

I have poor appetite this morning, but I've to have something before taking pills for heart pressure. So I have only a bawl of vegetable curry soup.
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青薔薇 roses bleues

2009-11-15 21:53:07 | views except Tokyo(羇旅)

Here are blue roses in the fountain.

(Virny Park, 汐入町、Yokosuka city, Kanagawa prefecture)
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横須賀ビアサケ Yokosuka Beer-Sake

2009-11-15 21:51:21 | Foods(食)

This sense of naming seems me a little bizarre. It is brewed by the same brewery of Kamakura Beer. The taste is as good as Kamakura Beer.

( Corsaire, Verny Park, Yokosuka city, Kanagawa prefecture)
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チョコレートケーキ gateau de chocolat

2009-11-15 21:50:30 | cake(ケーキ)

The view of port adds a sort of romantic sweetness on a cheep chocolate cake.
I name it the Yokosuka chocolate cake.

(ショッパーズプラザ、本町三丁目、honmachi, Yokosuka city, Kanagawa prefecture)
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岩海苔まぐろラーメン lahmen de Iwanori

2009-11-15 21:48:12 | Foods(食)

The soup of dry tuna have effected the great taste to lahmen with dry rock laver (Iwa nori). I miss the sound of waves and scent of sea water.

(風雅、パサージュ阿佐ヶ谷、阿佐谷北二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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