one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


駅カップ麺屋 nouille instantanée

2012-04-10 22:10:09 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

At the platform of the Tokyo Loop( Japanese call the line Yamanote-line)in the Shibuya station, I find a cup-noodle place. All the prices are 200 yens. It's relatively cheaper than any other noodle places on the train platforms. But you can get it more economically at any convenience stores or supermarkets.
(渋谷駅、Shibuya station, Tokyo)
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専用砂時計 le sablier

2012-04-10 22:06:09 | what?why?(ん?)

They serve the cup with a five minutes sand-glass.
Clients can taste the three kinds of soup (the taste of Hokkaido, Tokyo, and the western Japan). I firstly try the taste of Hokaido. It's so so so sweet soup. I love the western taste though I was born in a northern prefecture of the Honshu island.
One of the sellers walks around in the place to get back sand-glasses.

(渋谷駅、Shibuya station, Tokyo)
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室内公園 parc d'intérieur

2012-04-10 22:04:45 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I hardly understand the words on the wall : Indoor Park, Cafe Tao.
The bill announces that nobody need to order and all can bring their food or drink into the cafe. Next time I'll go around there, I'll be there.

(高円寺北、Koenjikita, Suginami ward)
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見つめてる le chatton me regarde

2012-04-10 22:02:09 | cats(猫)

I can't stop coughing very hard in a train. A kitty watches me when I cough loudly.

(京浜東北線、Kiehin-tohoku line train, Tokyo)
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前見て後ろ見て regardez derrieur et avant

2012-04-10 22:01:08 | cats(猫)

Cats confirm its own safeness with watching back and forward.
They stop in the mid of the road to watch right and left.

(小金井市、Konganei city, Tokyo)
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最後の一個 le fruit dernier

2012-04-10 21:53:16 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

What bird did have this persimon fruit? It looks very delicious for me.

(阿佐谷北2丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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2012-04-10 21:49:09 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

Chitoku Inoue started to write the Coppelion, a SF comic in 2008.
The story is :the Atomic Power house accident occured in Tokyo and no man can't live in Tokyo. But small number of people tried to keep living in their home town Tokyo under the deadly radioactivity. Japan Army created radiation tolerance children with gene manipulation to rescue the survivors. This is the adventure of three radiation tolerance junior high school girls, they called Coppelions.
At the year of 2008, Inoue wrote about the irresponsible and bad works of Tokyo Electric company and Japanese government before and after the fatal accident.
In the year 2008, it was a geek's illusion. Now, it is a real problem.
Japanese government and the two conservative parties want to have nuclear weapon someday. So they need the nuclear power plants. Like this comic, if they must destroy the area of Tokyo and half of the people, they will keep the plants for their big money.

(Dali, 港南一丁目、Konan, Minato ward)
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モスバーガーのお汁粉 shiruko

2012-04-10 21:48:18 | cake(ケーキ)

This rice cake is made of brown rice. I don't believe brown rice is better for health than white rice. But this red beans sweet soup is good.

(siruko : purée liquide de petits haricots rouges sucrés)
(Moss Burger, Asagayakita, Suginami ward.
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Pöker Face

2012-04-10 21:47:26 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The pictures fo image of face by a professional photographer is in a second-hand book store.

(@千章堂、阿佐谷北2丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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spider slolitare

2012-04-10 21:46:20 | nocategory(雑)

At last I win...exhausted so much...wasting so so long time...I should seal this game with some strong spell.
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