one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


毛代わり途中 plumage

2012-11-12 19:04:07 | birds, fish and others(生物)
The young gull is now changing the feathers.
When the feathers turn white, the December will come.
In Tokyo, there would be no snow. But in the canal snow white gulls would play around here and there.

(高浜運河、Takahama canal, Konan, Minato ward)
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すでに冬着 anorak du plumage

2012-11-12 19:03:03 | birds, fish and others(生物)

The sparrow wears winter coat to find a kind human being who feed it.
But I've nothing to give it.

(港南三丁目、Konan, Minato ward)
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夕陽丸く le reflet du soleil

2012-11-12 19:01:46 | sky/weather/season

I don't know how the reflection shapes so round.

(高浜運河、Takahama canal, Konan, Minato ward)
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夕陽にモノレイル le temps du magician

2012-11-12 19:00:39 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In the early evening, the sun goddess spells the world changing the toy world.

(港南三丁目、Konan, Minato ward)
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枯れた味 fleur morte

2012-11-12 18:59:31 | Plants(植物)

The dry flower stands still watching the canal and town.

(高浜運河、Takahama canal, Konan, Minato ward)
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帰り花 saison faute

2012-11-12 18:58:23 | Plants(植物)

Azzlea mistakes the season, but for the bees and small butterflies it's the wonderful restaurant.

(府中市、 Fuchu city, Tokyo)
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タチバナマンサク狂い咲き noisetier du magician

2012-11-12 18:55:06 | Plants(植物)

I like the colored leaves of witch hazel. But this one has flowers in the autumn. What spell could do it ?

府中市、Fuchu city, Tokyo)
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昔風ラーメン500円 lahmen traditionel

2012-11-12 18:53:32 | Foods(食)

I and my coworker get happy to find a lahmen restaurant in the lunch time.
The bowl is this.
Very old style of Tokyo style soy sauce lahmen. A small sheet of nori( dry sea weed), a very thin slice of naruto(boiled fish paste), a few piece of shinatiku (fermented bamboo shoot) and much chemical seasonings. The price is 500 yens.
The taste is good and makes us remember our old days.
Then the price was only 30 yens. Half a century have passed.
(府中市、Fuchu city, Tokyo)
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2012-11-12 18:50:49 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Almost of the clients of this restaurants are the clients of the spead boat race. This week there is no race at near the race course. They gathers together at this place almost every in the afternoon to enjoy the conversation about the races with watching the boat race channel of the cable TV.
After we have a bowl of 500 yen lahmen, a few clients appears and start the discussion about the race in Fukuoka, Kitakyushuu.
It's the time to depart the place for the ordinal workers.
(府中市、Fuchu city, Tokyo)
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あくび bâillement

2012-11-12 18:48:55 | dog(犬)

The dog has teased its owner to get it out for more than ten minutes after the man had gotten on. At last they made a compromise. Only the head could be out of the bag. The dog kept silent and he got bored.

(京王線飛田給付近、Keio line, Tokyo )
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