one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


七夕飾り la fête du Tanabata

2013-08-06 19:13:03 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The Asagaya Tanabata festival of this year will be held from August 7 to 11.
The maniacs to bamboo ornamentation have already made it and stood it in front of their home or shop.
The owner couple of this coffee and curry restaurant are such a family of festival.

(黒猫、阿佐谷北2丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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ママに手を振る agiter le main

2013-08-06 19:11:33 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

She is waving her small palm to her mother who is looking her up from the pavement with her bicycle. The girl wouldn't stop her greeting until her mother would go home or until the train comes.

(阿佐ヶ谷駅、 Asagaya station, Suginami ward)
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茶トラ君、何ヶ月? Quel mois as tu?

2013-08-06 19:09:08 | cats(猫)

The young one belongs to the Tohu factory shop. He/she loves here on the cool steps.

(上連雀五丁目、Kamirenjaku, Mitaka city, Tokyo)
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スダチうどん les nouilles de citron

2013-08-06 19:07:59 | Foods(食)

The heat of the morning and afternoon, I've almost lost my appetite. So I order a Japanese lemon noodle for supper. It's very good.

(上連雀二丁目、Kamirenjaku, Mitaka city, Tokyo)
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暑さ忘れて le chaud disparu

2013-08-06 19:05:44 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I spend my waiting time for bus with a glass of ice tea in a cool coffee shop.
Outside of the shop, the Shinagawa station is so crowded and very hot, nobody stop walking through the station. But a young woman street seller starts to selling the magnetic toy with her performance. People forget the hotness to enjoy her performance.

(品川駅港南口、 Shinagawa station, Shinagawa ward)
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ソルベシューアラクレム le sorbet à la crème

2013-08-06 19:02:19 | cake(ケーキ)

Frozen fruits and shoe a la creme. The coolest cake in this shop.
Alas, I miss it. The shop has already closed at sudden owing to the renewal of the establishment.

(Nycafe, 品川駅、 Shinagawa station, Shinagawa ward)
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半天夕立 le ciel divisé

2013-08-06 19:00:35 | sky/weather/season

Above my head the heaven departs half and half.
At my left side, the big water drops are falling. At the right side, none.
I enjoy side-stepping from left to right and from right to left..

(阿佐谷北二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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雨宿り l'abri de l'orage

2013-08-06 18:58:41 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

In front of the closed second hand book shop, a mother and her son are waiting to stop the short and heavy thunder storm.

(元今井書店、阿佐谷北2丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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天然自然カーテンのはず le store des feuilles

2013-08-06 18:56:44 | Plants(植物)

Behind the plant curtain I look up the heaven. No wind. So it's not cool.

(杉並区役所、阿佐谷南二丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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削工穴 visage des trous

2013-08-06 18:55:47 | what?why?(ん?)

I look down the core drilled holes on a Shinkansen train maintenance deck.

(八潮三丁目、Yashio, Shinagawa ward)
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