one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


出船(乗り逃がしたフェリー)Le bac

2021-05-06 22:28:05 | 乗り物 plane, ship ...
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Je ne suis pas embarqué par dix minutes.
I failed to get on the ferry-boat with tem minutes.
(久里浜港、 The Kurihama port, Kanagawa prefecture)
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灯台 le phare

2021-05-06 22:06:18 | views except Tokyo(羇旅)
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Les pêcheurs n'ont-itls pas le mots «la sécurité»?
The anglers, do they have the word, "saftey" ?

(浦賀水道、the Uraga channel, Tokyo Bay)
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