one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


富士山である  le Mont Fuji

2022-02-03 19:37:48 | views except Tokyo(羇旅)
220107074rx6.jpg ISO 125 119mm f/5.6 1/800s
Après une heure, j'ai arrêté de le prendre le photo. La pile était épuisée.
One hour later, I had had to stop taking its picture. The batterie was gone.
(Fujiyama, Japan)
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河口に陽が上る Le lever du soleil

2022-02-03 19:24:34 | views except Tokyo(羇旅)
22010704zve.jpg ISO100 75mm f/5.6 1/3200s
On était heureux de rencontrer ce paysage magnifique.
I'm happy to get a chance to be being there.
(焼津市、Yaizu city, Shizuoka prefecture)
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焼津港の朝 Le matin au Yaizu port

2022-02-03 19:18:37 | views except Tokyo(羇旅)
220107035zve.jpg ISO100 75mm f/5.6 1/2000s
C'était un bon matin.
It was a good morning.
(焼津市、Yaizu city, Shizuoka prefecture)
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南アルプスかも? Les Alpes japonais?

2022-02-03 19:11:31 | views except Tokyo(羇旅)
220107030zve.jpg ISO 200 75mm f/5.6 1/160s
Je suis content de penser que ce sont les Alpes japonais.
I am believing I took the photo of the Japanese Alpes. haha.

(焼津市、Yaizu city, Shizuoka prefecture)

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2022-02-03 19:00:32 | views except Tokyo(羇旅)
220107024rx6.jpg ISO800 200mm f/4.5 1/160s
On voyait la vapeur de l'eau de la port, si bien que je ne sentais plus le froid.
I kept watching the steam from the harbor water , so I felt no cold r for a while.
(焼津市、Yaizu city, Shizuoka prefecture)
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焼津中港越し伊豆半島 le port Yaizu et la presqu'ils d'Izu

2022-02-03 18:39:15 | views except Tokyo(羇旅)
220107026rx6.jpg ISO 800 200mm f/4.5 1/160s
Au 6h59 au matin, le port a dormi et le ciel dérrière d' Izu a la couleur du soleil.
It's 6:59 in the morning. The Yaizu harbor didn't being awake, and the sky behind the Izu Peninsula was colored with morning Sun.
(焼津市、Yaizu city, Shizuoka prefecture)
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