one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


黄色の列車と船 Docteur Jaune

2012-10-21 20:45:35 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The yellows seven cars Shinkansen train is for checking the Shinkansen railroad.
The nickname is Dr. Yellow.
It runs several times a week. So the chance to see the Dr. Yellow is rare. And the chance to take the picture is very very rare when I 'm temporarily off the watching job to take a rest.
This shot is the first and the only one chance in my watching train guard job life, I believe.

The yellow ship is a sweeper on the water.

(高浜運河、 Takahama canal, Minato ward)
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Unknown (irma )
2012-10-22 00:46:41
i think this is my only way to see or know about dr. yellow. we'll continue traveling by shinkansen for the next five days. it's nice to think of you and dr. yellow looking out for safety.
Unknown (Cakeater)
2012-10-25 21:00:46
The prototype train of the Doctor Yellow is this:

They call these trains "Oiran trains".
Unknown (turtle pro (san))
2012-11-05 00:42:25
This photo is it worth with many comments for its exploring to display on flickr.
To turtle pro san (Cakeater)
2012-11-12 19:35:24
I regret to say I won't upload my photos on flickr.
I have a little time now to respond to the so many comments on flikr.

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