one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


子どもの領分 Children's Corner

2012-10-21 20:34:39 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

At a lunch time, I feel too exhausted to walk around. I occupy a bench to take my lunch box and to take a rest. Like grasshoppers, they come.
A blue jacket boy finds something on the ground and he lies down to watch it.
One minute after the second boy comes and does as the first boy does. At last a younger sister comes.

(港南三丁目、Kohnan, Minato ward)
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At the next uploading, (Cakeater)
2012-10-25 20:27:40
I promise I 'll upload these title picture:
American in Asagaya
American in Toraya
The drummer girls and boys

I had a great day with you, Irma and Aref, too.
the rewards of rest (irma)
2012-10-22 00:15:59
it was a very long day of travel and finally wecan wear pajamas and relax. what a great surprise to see so many new posts waiting. i am starting here and moving up. this is a great reward for taking a rest.

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