one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


チロリアンランタン lanternes tyroliennes

2005-07-24 12:22:02 | Plants(植物)

On the year when I first took this flower, I could not find the name.
Next year, this flower became very popular and I found the name of it on a name plate of a flower shop. The name is Tyrolean Lantern. I nod my head to myself.
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Hi ! (ya421)
2005-07-24 17:02:18
I made a trackback to this article.

It's named Tyrolean Lantern too, isn't it?

It's a nice name.
Thank you !! (ya421)
2005-07-24 23:33:48
I know that this is Tyrolean Lantern by your kind explanation.

The kind that was used for medicine seemed to be other kind of Abutilon.

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