one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


脱皮直後のショウリョウバッタ la mue

2015-08-09 21:29:06 | birds, fish and others(生物)

The grasshopper has just put off her old dress.
Exactly, it's not a dress, it's the old skin which is casted.
She always flies away when I move, but now soon after the ecdysis she can't move.
With this luck, I take a few shots very near to her.

La sauterelle a changé de peau. Elle ne peut pas se deplacer après la mue. Je prend ses photos face à objectif heureusement.
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いいなー (sustena)
2015-08-11 09:00:17
When I found her, (Cakeate)
2015-08-11 15:41:48
I thought she was a little fat girl, but then she started suddenly put off her half-transpare peau. It took only a few seconds.
Luckily, I could watch her last one last week.
I'll soon upload it.

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