one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


精養軒東京駅 biere brune

2005-06-29 06:01:50 | Foods(食)

After a hot long day a mug of beer is the best thing in my life.
The plate is a rice with curry and hashed beef.
This beer restaurant is in the Tokyo Station.
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Good morning! (ya421)
2005-06-29 10:56:08
In spite of this hot weather, you look fine.

But please take care not to be Heat Disorder.

By the way, this rice with curry looks so delicious!!

I also ate rice with curry for yesterday supper.
When you stop at the Tokyo station, (Cakeater)
2005-06-30 06:22:10
please order this plate (\750-).

This price is reasonable.

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