I can stop buying these. The stick beans bread blows up my reason which whispers me, "Remember! Your weight is one hundred fifteen kilo gram."
The stick beans bread is only one hundred twenty six yen.
the strawberry chocolate stick donut is one hundrend five yen.
(@HOKUO 新宿西口店, Shinjuku station, Shinjuku ward)
I can stop buying these. The stick beans bread blows up my reason which whispers me, "Remember! Your weight is one hundred fifteen kilo gram."
The stick beans bread is only one hundred twenty six yen.
the strawberry chocolate stick donut is one hundrend five yen.
(@HOKUO 新宿西口店, Shinjuku station, Shinjuku ward)
新宿駅で買えるんですね。( ..)φメモメモ
Please run there to buy it as soon as you can!