one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


離水失敗 le décollage échoué

2013-01-01 21:28:07 | birds, fish and others(生物)

It is just failing to lift itself in the air from the water.
I watch its vain effort several times.
It floats on the canal water, and then starts to run....and fails again.
Half an hour later, I try to find him. But there is no young bird.
It can fly away, I believe.

(高浜運河、Takahama canal, Konan, Minato ward)
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This is rare for me. (Lucian)
2013-01-02 19:34:32
This is "Kawau" and seem to be not "Umiu".
I have not seen it yet.
I saw this white head cormorant at the first time. (Cakeater)
2013-01-02 21:24:29
I checked all pictures of cormorant in the net, and found the same color combination cormorants.
There are two. The first one is a big cormorant(white head and white feather). And the other is Indian big cormorant.
But those are bigger than this one. This one is big as two third of the ordinal cormorant in the canal.
I can't identify the exact name of this cormorant.
You may be right.
Unknown (Lucian)
2013-01-02 22:39:35
The cormorants with the possibility that live in this canal are only 3 kinds.
And this is not the Pelagic cormorant as "Himeu".
I know other 2 kinds of distinction method.
It is the difference type of the root of the yellow part of bill.
Its white feather is grow only in the breeding season.

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