one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


大異変 anormaux grands

2005-10-24 09:31:45 | cats(猫)

She is very uneasy. Her territory was a big roof of an old house. She always jumped up from her home to the roof. But the house has been broken up to make a parking lots. She is now under conflict with neighbour cats for the new space of the parking lots which she seems not to feel comfortable.

(阿佐谷北二丁目, Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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Good morning! (ya421)
2005-10-27 09:42:15
This cat looks like a fox and looks strong.
Yesterday, I met her. (Cakeater)
2005-10-27 21:51:46
Yesterday, when I watched the game of Marines and Tigers, she walked on the wall beside my window. Around my appartement house a big japanese bob tale cat has kept it for the territory for two years. No cat has walk through on this wall without conflict with him. But she kept walking about there without any trouble. May be, she could defeat the big boy which is twice as big as her.

Tonight I wached her sitting on the window of her home.

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