one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


卵泥棒 Voleur d'œuf

2011-05-14 15:43:36 | birds, fish and others(生物)

A crow flies down with an egg in its beak. I get curious to know how to eat.
But it skips away behind the foot of the railroad bridge.

When I was a teenager and listened the Jazz song "Bye bye black bird" by Julie London , I believed the black bird should be a crow. And thirty years after, I firstly saw the genuine blackbirds on the green of an university.
Then I started singing Bye Bye Blackbird.

And this is my most favorite jazz singer, Vikki Carr.

And this is the great French dancing queen, Josephine Baker.

(横須賀線、二葉三丁目、Futaba, Shinagawa ward)
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