one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


#103 Mont Blanc du mont d' Ueno(上野の山のモンブラン)

2004-10-19 10:14:33 | cake(ケーキ)

After twenty minutes stroll from Nippori(日暮里) through the Yanaka cemetery(谷中墓地),
I found a seven people waiting in front of a cake shop.
It was the first time to see a guradman guiding clients and cars for a cake shop.
I made up my mind to get the queue. I got this mont-blanc.
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Wow! (Honey)
2004-10-19 18:29:48
It seems to be very delicious!

How was the taste?
bon! (Cakeater)
2004-10-20 00:30:55
I had this one in front of the main gate of the Ueno zoo. I took this picture there.

The taste is "bon" but not so great.

The price is less than 5 hundred yen.

I think the highest Mont-Blanc in Tokyo is the one of Es Weil of Kanda. The price is higher than 7 hundred yen. When I had it firstly, my spirit would fly up higher than the Mt. Mon Blanc.

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