one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


スノーボールファイト les boules de neige

2014-02-09 17:44:57 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The boy throw a snow ball to the back of the girls firstly.
And suddenly a short snow ball fight begins.
Their play suddenly reminds me the sentences in the last article of Unni Skaaland Ellingsen.
I remember it by heart.

She wrote;
When I woke up the first morning, I saw we had got 20 cm new snow. I found my camera and opened the door to the terrasse. That was all I could manage. I walked into the snow and placed a candle, lit it and there it was. My little hope.
My daughter is coming home this afternoon. I don't think we will have a snowball fight. But I will make her a round one, And place it in her hand.

I couldn't walk with looking up my umbrella hiding my tears and the three young ones passed by me. Soon I could stop weeping in the snow and started sentimental walking.ファイト_music

(阿佐谷南二丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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