one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


揚羽蝶 machaon

2005-07-29 05:19:04 | birds, fish and others(生物)

When I am in the midst of forcusing, a swallowtail comes to the clematis in a moment. It looks the taste of clematis wouldn't be so good.
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Hi ! (ya421)
2005-07-29 09:18:33
So beautiful!!
I was surprised. (Cakeater)
2005-07-30 22:01:10
On the moment of pushing the shutter button,

someone or something often comes into between the lens and the object.

I name the picture of this case "fox and root" shot. And I begin to sing, "I am standing up my rabbit. I am standing up my rabbit....(待ちぼうけ、待ちぼうけ)"

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