one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


秋海棠に払暁の雨 bégonia de Chine

2010-11-01 18:23:43 | Plants(植物)

I can't believe myself to be able to take this picture in the early morning soon after the cold fine rain with the Ricoh GX-200.

(太子堂一丁目、Taishido, Setagaya ward)
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I am proud of the GX-200 lens system. (Cakeater)
2010-11-11 18:37:43
The lens of CX2 is very good to the use in the macro lens distance, but it would lose the magic of lens power in the standard distance. The 24-105 mm lens of Sony water proof TX-5 is not so good as even the CX2.
Unknown (Lucian)
2010-11-04 21:34:25
I think that the resolution image of Ricoh GX is close to DSLR.

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