one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


雑草堂々 la reine des herbes folles

2012-09-04 18:29:55 | Plants(植物)

This site of the Waterworks Bureau was once used a technical training center and now is almost abolished to be used as a stock yard.
Now, in the wall, it's the wonderful world of weeds.

(港南一丁目、Konan, Minato ward)
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The translation has already done. (Cakeater)
2012-09-17 12:52:47
『ドゥルス・グリューンバイン詩集』 縄田雄二編訳、中央大学出版会、2004年

But I don't want to read (English, French, German, Spanish and Swedish) books translated into Japanese.
Almost of the translation lose the favor of the words and phrase. The information can be translated, but the poem, especially, can never be translated. I try to get and read Grauzone morgens.
Thanks (turtle pro san)
2012-09-17 07:19:52
Thank you for appreciate my comment and all all the best.

A very worthwhile German poet is Durs Grünbein, too. Here the link to Wikipedia English:ünbein

My favorite is his long poem "Vom Schnee oder Descartes in Deutschland" the complete title. (From snow or Descartes in Germany). I hope the book is translated in Japanese Language. It should be.
I wrote your comment (Cakeater)
2012-09-16 20:15:58
to Mimi(美海)'s blog. She appreciates your comment and ask me to say thank to you.
Rilke is the most famous German poets in Japan.
When I was a high-school boy, I had to choose the second language in the university between French and German.
One day, I had a chance to listen the reading of the poems of Rirke and of Beaudelaire. For my ears, I preferred the sounds of French to those of German.
So I studied the French literature and language in th University. But I love the poems of Rirke, yet.
Unknown (turtle pro (san)))
2012-09-14 12:31:18
Mrs Mimi blog is very interesting, and I read a sentence (日が暮れるのが早くなって来て心淋しい。2012-0-9-09) which remember me to the poet Rainer Maria Rilke (read Wikipedia), too.
Summer heat in Tokyo (Cakeater)
2012-09-09 14:02:25
becomes lower and lower this week.
But many heat disease patients have been carried to hospitals with the ambulances.
The 85 years old lady, Mimi sent me the comment that she loves this picture. (Mimi's blog is the seventh link in my bookmark. )
Unknown (turtle pro (san))
2012-09-08 08:27:35
This picture is wonderful. It is something under the hedge. But for ordinary people the summer heat on this place was not really cool. (lol)

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