one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


小判だらけ il'y a des pièces d'or.

2011-07-07 14:14:44 | Plants(植物)

B.maxima is called Koban-sou(small gold coin-grass)in Japan. It came from Europe in the 1990s as a garden grass. Now those have spread to all of Japan and become one of weeds. But I love watching these beautiful ears waving with the wind.
(横浜新都市交通車両センター、幸浦一丁目、Sachiura, kanazawa ward, Yokohama city, Kanagawa prefecture)
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Unknown (Lucian)
2011-07-07 21:40:28
If it feels this sight to be beautiful, that is a sign of good luck, I think.
This is the first time of me (Cakeater)
2011-07-08 08:27:39
to visit the train yard the Yokohama New Transportation System. There is no rail. The train runs with tires very silently.
Between the train roads, here and there are soil grounds where the weeds grow.
I wish I could become more lucky with this view!

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