one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


feuille morte (三番町の枯葉)

2004-12-13 20:12:16 | Plants(植物)

I pick up a nice fallen leave on a sidewalk of the Sanbancho(三番町).

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Wow !! (ya421)
2004-12-13 22:57:28
The leave is like a big butterfly or something.

And it is also like a paintig.
Like a primary school children (cakeater)
2004-12-15 05:49:39
These big leaves are liked by school children. They often walk with enjoying a big leaf on their hand.

I often see chirldren of three or four years old picking up a big leaf and being happy with it.

I remember in my childhood these leaves were more bigger than they are.


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