one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


電車区のタヌキ le blarireau dans la gare de triage

2019-07-28 11:20:35 | birds, fish and others(生物)

109531019rx6.jpg ISO125 79mm f.4 1/800s

Pendant la pause Je me suis assis sur le banc derriere du entrepôt.  Je me suis senti que quelqu'un ou qulque chose me regardait.  Là, il y avait un lablarireau japonais.

In the beautiful afternoon I took a break at the bench in the train depot.  It seemed that someone of something watched me.  I looked around to find there a badger.

(豊田電車区武蔵小金井派出、Koganei city, Tokyo)


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