one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


野菜VS雑草 le légume et la mauvaise herb

2014-05-04 21:06:31 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Here is a front of the battle of plants between weeds and the union of vegetables and farmers.

(八王子市石川町、Ishikawacho, Hachoji city, Tokyo.)
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turtlepro san is not a farmland hero (turtlepro san)
2014-05-17 08:40:40
It seems me this is the right picture to unite the pictures of grass and red-green to an own statement about be or not to be.

Mr. Sam, I will be further think about this the rest of my live (and meanwhile surely not forget the life itself :))
Rureal area experience of lasting validity (turtlepro (san))
2014-05-29 06:31:27
The field has water but still not flowers.
Maybe weeds? Such a field has always weeds. :laughing

So at first joke time, now practice make farmland heros.

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