one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


#100 L'enceinte d'un temple (南蔵院)

2004-10-19 10:19:14 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Nanzoin is an old temple in Nakano-ku(中野区). I don't know its history.
I like the view of this temple from the main gate.
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#101 Les poisons rouges (金魚)

2004-10-19 10:17:38 | birds, fish and others(生物)

This day is the day when I arrived the site to which my company had instructed to go to find it a wrong instruction.
I got happy to be able to walk the unknown and strange area in Tokyo.
It was a nice walk and around the noon I could scarecely find any restaurant.
Finaly I entered into a Soba(=buckwheat noodle)-ya(restaurant) to find these golden fish.
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#102 L'aquarium (金魚鉢)

2004-10-19 10:16:17 | birds, fish and others(生物)

Over the aqualium one can see a castle on the paper.
What does the master of this restaurant think?
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#103 Mont Blanc du mont d' Ueno(上野の山のモンブラン)

2004-10-19 10:14:33 | cake(ケーキ)

After twenty minutes stroll from Nippori(日暮里) through the Yanaka cemetery(谷中墓地),
I found a seven people waiting in front of a cake shop.
It was the first time to see a guradman guiding clients and cars for a cake shop.
I made up my mind to get the queue. I got this mont-blanc.
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#92 La gare Nippori (日暮里駅南口)

2004-10-18 13:46:28 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The Nippori station is not an ordinary railway station.
The westside is the one of big cemetories in Tokyo.
It is the world of dead.
The westside is our world.
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#93 Les tentes sur l'eau (テント舟 相模湖)

2004-10-18 13:45:04 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Sagamiko(相模湖)is a lake of dam. It is called as one of water jars of
The boy bearing water jar comes to the south of heaven on the end of October.
The boy would come into this boat for taking nap.
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#94 La dame de la digue (堰婆 石神井川)

2004-10-18 13:44:02 | nocategory(雑)

Long long time ago, there lived an old woman beside the shakujii(石神井)river.
When a great storm came, it rained heavily.
Worried famers came besid the river.
The water was high, but the bank was higher than the ordinary, too.
One of farmers found a giant monster serpent lying on the bank.
The water could not flow over the serpent bank.
After the storm, they came back to the river.
The old woman was taking nap in the front yard of her hut.
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#95 L'enseigne du dragon (龍の看板日暮里)

2004-10-18 13:43:00 | nocategory(雑)

A dragon is devine of water like a giant monster serpent.
A dragon is god of chinese restaurant, too.
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#96 le sucre d'etoile(星砂糖)

2004-10-18 13:42:06 | cake(ケーキ)

Cakeater comes to a cafe in the Maruzen(丸善)book store in Marunouchi(丸の内) with Ginger.
They had a dish of omlet of rice with curry sauce and brown sauce.
They had a delicious coffee.
Ginger had coffee without sugar.
Cakeater had it with a small stars of sugar.
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#97 L'etoile fondu (スターフォンデュ)

2004-10-18 13:40:10 | cake(ケーキ)

These stars are disolving into coffee like a light snow in March.
I could taste fine sweet slightly. It's so nice.
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