one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


#116 Les chatignes (栗畑 藤野)

2004-10-22 21:18:15 | Plants(植物)

Among the long shadow of trees with morning sun, there are chestnuts in burs.
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#117 Un cosmos (コスモス)

2004-10-22 21:16:58 | Plants(植物)

At the third year grade of my elementary school, we made a big paper sticking picture. The theme is autumn field. We sticked parts of cosmos on the big and long paper for three hours.
Whenever I look cosmos, I sit down to lower my eyes so that I could see the continuous picture of the cosmos field of my third year grade.
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#118 Un chien jaune (赤犬)

2004-10-22 21:15:49 | dog(犬)

A good dog. Everybody stop walking to see him.
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#119 Un chien faut(犬の置物)

2004-10-22 21:10:44 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

He would not refuse his wear.
T shirt is of "Asagaya Jazz Street" which will be held on 29 and 30 october.
The web cap is for Halloween which will be held on 31 ocotber at Asagaya.
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#120 Champinion (シャンピニオン)

2004-10-22 21:09:53 | cake(ケーキ)

The filling is chicken and mashroom. It tastes creamy.
That evenig I had only enough money to afford it with me.
I was so supprised with the palatableness as to stand still on the pavement of NishiShinjuku.
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#121 Voiture (車LA風)

2004-10-22 21:08:25 | LA

The driver would say, " A car is enough to run."
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