When I bought my Triumph, like many modern vehicles, I needed to protect the number plate. Yes, there is no structure around the plate, so there was a high likelihood that the plate would be bent by your body or something else hitting it.
So I thought of a plate support (plate holder). But I didn't intend to buy a commercial one, so I made my own. I made it from the back side of the number plate, using carbon fibre mat and carbon fibre cloth. (Black plate)

Then, as my health has gradually improved since moving, I made the decision to change the address of the vehicle, which had been delayed. Yes, the jurisdiction of the DMV is different, so the vehicle will change from a Kobe number to a Himeji number. To do this, I had to remove the current number plate and submit it to the DMV office.
Finally, after removing them, I realised. The homemade plate support looks exactly like a regular number plate, because I made it by using a female number plate and pasting carbon into it. If I painted them white and green, they would look like something out of a spy movie, or even criminals themselves.

このプレートサポートのお蔭でナンバープレートは守られましたが、それでも、右端の上下に転倒事故の跡が残っています。 さあ、新しいナンバーになったら、今度はどんなプレートサポートを作りましょうか。今度は、カーボンとケプラーのクロスで少し黄色を入れましょうか。 でも、派手なのは嫌ですから ・・迷います。
The plate support has protected the number plate, but it still has the marks from the fall on the top and bottom of the right edge. Now, what kind of plate support should I make for the new number plate? Shall I use a cross between carbon and Kepler with a bit of yellow this time? But I don't want it to be gaudy - I'm not sure.