When I was riding my bicycle, I received a wonderful gift from the bus that warmed my heart, so I would like to introduce it.
『 姫路にて / in Himeji City 』
僕は、40年以上に亘って人口 約150万人の神戸市に住み、人口 約275万人の大阪市の中心地・梅田で勤務していました。その為、僕個人と主宰しているNPO法人の銀行口座は 2行の “都市銀行” で 4つの口座を開設していました。しかし、僕が昨年移住した赤穂市は人口 約4万人の小さな街の為でしょうが、都市銀行は無い事は想定外でした。その為、メインバンクにある口座のケアの為に、年に一回のペースですが、赤穂から 約40㎞ 離れた 人口53万人の 姫路市 へ行く必要があり、先日、自転車で行った時の事です。
I moved to Ako City last year, and there is one thing I need to solve. It is the care of the main bank.
For more than 40 years, I lived in Kobe City, a city with a population of about 1.5 million, and worked in Umeda, the center of Osaka City, which has a population of about 2.75 million. For this reason, I personally opened four bank accounts with two "megabanks" and used them frequently. However, Ako City, where I moved last year, is a small city with a population of about 40,000, but I didn't expect that there would be no megabanks. Therefore, in order to take care of the account in the main bank, it is necessary to go to Himeji City, which has a population of 530,000, which is about 40 km away from Ako City, and I went there by bicycle the other day.
『 プレゼント / GIFT 』
銀行で正式な住所変更やキャッシュカード再発行の手配を終えた後、午後から、自転車で、現在の住居物件を紹介してくれた姫路市内にある不動産屋さんへお礼の挨拶と、1992年以来、オートバイや自転車の塗装でお世話になっているペイントショップ さんへ 久し振りの挨拶に向かっていた時、その瞬間が訪れたのです。
道路は片側1車線ですが、道路外側には広い歩道があり、歩道と道路の間には割と綺麗で幅のある路側帯があったので、当然、路側帯を時速 30㎞ ほどで走っていました。 多くの車は、僕の横を通り過ぎて行ったのですが、一台のバスだけが 僕を警戒してか、或いは、とても慎重なのか、50m以上に亘って、僕の横をを通り過ぎるのを躊躇していたのです。
すると、通り過ぎて 20m も行かない間に、バスのハザードランプが 2度点滅したのです。 明らかに「ありがとう」のサインだったので、嬉しくなった僕は、バスの左ミラーに向かって、右手を大きく上げて振って「こちらこそ、ありがとう」と返しました。きっと、バスの運転手の人も見てくれたでしょうし、大変に心が温まった瞬間でした。

After making various arrangements at the bank, I was on my way to the afternoon by bicycle to say thank you to the real estate agent in Himeji City who took care of me when I moved here, and to the paint shop that has been indebted to me for painting motorcycles and bicycles since 1992 for the first time in a long time.
The road is one lane on each side, but there is a wide sidewalk on the outside of the road, and there was a relatively beautiful and wide roadside strip between the sidewalk and the road, so naturally I was driving at about 30 km / h on the roadside strip. Many cars passed by me, but only one bus hesitated to pass by me for more than 50 meters, either because they were wary of me or because they were very cautious.
At that time, I was looking at the car behind me in the rearview mirror, but I judged that the bus was not a normal route bus, but a chartered or rented car from the body and license plate, and that it was a person who was not very accustomed to driving. So, like throwing a ball in bowling, I slowly turned my right arm wide and made a gesture with my fingertips, "Please, please pass by," and the bus driver seemed relieved and walked past me.
Then, less than 20 meters away, the hazard lights of the bus flashed twice. It was clearly a "thank you" sign, so I was so happy that I raised my right hand wide and waved it toward the left mirror of the bus, and said, "Thank you for this." I'm sure the bus driver saw it, too, and it was a heartwarming moment.
その瞬間、僕が学生時代に経験したエピソードを思い出しました。 それは、故郷の道を自動車で走っている時でした。道路を並行して走っている国鉄(現在は JR)の線路を、反対側からディーゼル列車が走って来たのです。しかし、その列車の運転手の人は、直前に通り抜けたトンネルで点灯させた前照灯を消し忘れていたのです。そこで、僕がパッシングライトを点滅させて教えてあげると、短い汽笛と一緒に 運転手の人が僕に手を振ってくれたのです。その時の見知らぬ人との心温まる “繋がり” と同じ様に、今回、バスの運転手の人と交わした “繋がり” は、いつまでも僕の大切なエピソードとして残っていくでしょう。
At that moment, I remembered an episode I experienced when I was a student. It was when I was driving on the road of my hometown. A diesel train came running from the other side of the tracks of the Japanese National Railways (now JR), which ran parallel to the road. However, the driver of the train had forgotten to turn off the headlights that he had turned on in the tunnel he had just passed through. So I flashed my passing light and told him, and the driver waved to me with a short whistle. Just like the heartwarming "connection" I had with the stranger at that time, the "connection" I had with the bus driver this time will remain as an important episode for me forever.

それは、自動ドアが普及してからは、後に続く人の為に開けたドアを支えたり、荷物を持っている人の為に開ける配慮や、ドアを音を立てずにきちんと閉める習慣が失われてしまった事を見れば明らかです。同様に、駅や高速道路では自動改札や ETC が普及して、ガソリンスタンドやスーパーではセルフレジが普及し、人と人とが直接触れ合う “繋がり” の機会が失われています。 そして、人工知能・AI が一気に普及し始めた現代では、ビジネス業務の多くを個人の能力に頼らず、AI 経由で間違いの無い平均的な対応ばかりになり、電話に出た会社の人は AI だったという事は驚きにもならない程、人と人が “繋がり” を持つ機会は間違いなく減っていくでしょう。
それでも、僕はそれを懸念していませんし嘆いてもいません。なぜなら、人が人として生きていく為には人との “繋がり” は欠かせないので、 “繋がり” の機会は形を変えて残り続け、“繋がり” を求める人も決して減らないと信じているからです。 だから、僕は、これからも人との “繋がり” の機会を大切に生き続けていきます。そうすれば、間違い無く、素敵な出会いはあり続けるでしょう。
But in a few years, as the number of self-driving cars increases, the habit of drivers exchanging greetings with each other at any opportunity will disappear.
That's because you don't want to feel awkward when the other side is self-driving. Therefore, I may never be able to interact with the people on the bus this time, just like the people on the JNR.
Still, I'm not concerned about it, and I'm not lamenting it. This is because "connection" with people is indispensable for people to live as people, so we believe that opportunities for "connection" will continue to exist in different forms, and that the number of people seeking "connection" will never decrease. That's why I will continue to cherish the opportunity to "connect" with people. If you do that, there will be no doubt that wonderful encounters will continue to occur.
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横を通り過ぎて、前方 50mを走っていたバスですが、その前方の信号機が 赤 に変わってしまったのです。このままでは、路側帯を走っている僕は、信号待ちでバスの横に並んでしまう事は確実です。大きく手を振った分だけ、なんとも恥ずかしく気まずい(?)状況が見えてきました。そこで、まるで「ここが目的地ですよ」という風に、次の路地を左に曲がって時間稼ぎをしたのです。はい、僕は恥ずかしがり屋の小心者です。
However, the situation changed suddenly. The bus was running 50 meters in front of me, but the traffic light in front of me turned red. If this continues, I, who am running on the side of the road, will surely line up next to the bus waiting for the traffic light. As much as I waved my hand widely, I felt embarrassed and awkward (?). The situation is now visible. So, as if to say, "This is my destination," I turned left at the next alley to buy time. Yes, I'm either shy and small-minded.