The Nightingale S.T.Coleridge
By sun or moon-light, to the influxes
Of shapes and sounds and shifting elements
Surrendering his whole spirit, of his song
And of his fame forgetful! so his fame
小夜鳴鳥の唄 S・T・コールリッジ
日のひかりや あるひは月のひかりのかたへで
欠けない息吹をとりまく かたちや音や移りゆく
もろもろの合わせ目へといたつて うたと名を
※so his fameは次回に。
By sun or moon-light, to the influxes
Of shapes and sounds and shifting elements
Surrendering his whole spirit, of his song
And of his fame forgetful! so his fame
小夜鳴鳥の唄 S・T・コールリッジ
日のひかりや あるひは月のひかりのかたへで
欠けない息吹をとりまく かたちや音や移りゆく
もろもろの合わせ目へといたつて うたと名を
※so his fameは次回に。