

Wooden cutlery, self standing butter knives

2008-10-03 16:45:58 | Weblog
Today, new items came into the coating stage.

They are chopstics, of wild cherry, and propellars
with concaves (not seen), and they are shown with
the next two images.

With what is shown above concaved surfaces are hidden
away from veiw (upside down). What beats me is that
they sell well (apparently... and not to my own taste...)

They were fabricated at the request of somebody I know.

You may say! "Not again!", but again I am very imnpressed
by the combination of a tong and a single plastic glove.
I have been using the same glove for more than 5, 6 times by now.

You think about this as follwos. 100 glocves cost me about
JPY 1,000, so each pair costs me JPY 20. And, most of the time
you have to throw them away, after one use.

For a particular lot to be coated I need wear them 10 time or more.
That will be JPY 200, and that is a lot of money as far s
I am concerned...

This afternoon, soon after lunch I had to break myself away from
my work and delivered a pair of chopstics to the gallery I am
dealing with. Coming back, I did what is shown above.

They are now nicely pointed at the handle ends, still a little
more to go before completion, but they are nearly there...

Above is showing you an increasing number of width jigs, and
those on the extreme right are the length jigs for the
chopstics, 21 cm and 23 cm. I am pleased about them.

You may wonder what these schematics are doing here.
This is my next project and the schematics are showing
you my current thinkings.

These are meant to be my self standing butter knives.
You put your butter on your bread, then what do you do
with your butter knife?

I have the same problem, and I should think all other people
at the breakfast tables will benefit from my

Will they?

Anyway, the dotted lines indicate the horizontal table top.
My current view is that I should go for something like B.
What would you say?

パエ-リャ 113

2008-10-03 16:45:40 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Bien?

Aqui hoy hace buen tiempo. Iremos, es yo y mi madre,
iremos a nuestra casa de naturaleza en la monta-nya,
tal vez al fin de la semana.

Alla, hay mucho que hacer...

Ahora, vamos!

Te voy a contar una historia de amor!

asi que, al dia siguiente

No hagas caso de lo que dice ese hombre!

Tengo que declararme!

La invite a mi casa!

Cuando se acabo el cine

Bueno, ..., yo te queria decir...

Eso es lo unico que me salio!

Pues, no te la voy a dar!

Ponte en mi caso!

Beuno, Conchita, aqui van las en ingles!

Time never stands still, or does it?

I would rather be here than anywhere else
in the world!

There is still a spark left in him!

in a creepy sort of way...

There is nothing like a good old warm fireplace!

The ground is frozen, absolutely solid!

Let us measure our six steps!

It is as hard as a rock!

I saw something shiny!

I made a surprising discovery!

Do not let your imagination run away (with you)!

Conchita, I go now. Take care and vaya con Dios!